Results 971 - 980 of 1633.
updated:2006-05-04 16:52:21
Gets the {...} . objectid = GetTable ([POSITION &coord/.LEFT.TOP.RIGHT.BOTTOM] [NAME &name][DESC &desc][AUTHOR &author][COPYRIGHT ©right] [ROTATION &rotation/.SLANT.TWIST] [ABOUT &mode/.MODE<POINT|CENTER>.X.Y] [CONSTRAIN &flag<ON|OFF>] [PRINT &flag<ON|OFF>] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window...
updated:2006-05-04 16:52:12
Gets the {...} . SetTable ([NAME name][DESC desc][AUTHOR author][COPYRIGHT copyright] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-05-04 16:52:00
Gets the {...} . EditTable ([POSITION left top right bottom [ADJUST]] [ROTATE rotation | SKEW slant twist | SLANT slant | TWIST twist] [ABOUT x y | ABOUTCENTER] [CONSTRAIN | FREE] [PRINT | NOPRINT] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript: ...
updated:2006-05-04 16:51:43
Gets the {...} . objectid = DrawTable (left top right bottom [ROWS rows][COLUMNS columns] [ROTATE rotation | SKEW slant twist | SLANT slant | TWIST twist] [ABOUT x y | ABOUTCENTER] [INFRONT | INBACK] [CONSTRAIN | FREE] [PRINT | NOPRINT] [PAGE document:...-pagenum | MPG document:...-masterpage:side | DOCUMENT document | OBJECTID objid | WINDOW...
updated:2006-03-31 10:53:01 last comment:2006-05-04 16:51:09
SETVARIABLENAME Text Commands Sets the name of a user variable. setvariablename name/s The new name of the variable. VARIABLE The document/chapter/variable name. Default=current. Examples: setvariablename author variable writer setvariablename author variable MyBook.doc~writer ...
updated:2006-03-30 17:19:29 last comment:2006-05-04 16:50:56
NEWVARIABLE Text Commands Creates a new user variable. newvariable [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | CHAPTER name] name/s The name of the new variable. value/s The variable string. DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. CHAPTER/s The document/chapter name. Default=current. ...
updated:2006-05-04 16:50:40
Gets the {...} . <tagname|MIXED> = GetCharacterStyle ([DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:53 last comment:2006-05-04 16:50:27
SETCHARACTERSTYLE Style Commands Sets the character style for the text at the insertion point or for selected text. setcharacterstyle [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | STYLETAG name] style/s The character style to set. DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. STYLETAG/s --unknown-- ...
updated:2006-05-04 16:50:20
Gets the {...} . <tagname|MIXED> = GetParagraphStyle ([DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:58 last comment:2006-05-04 16:50:10
SETPARAGRAPHSTYLE Style Commands Sets the paragraph style for the paragraph at the insertion point or for selected paragraphs. setparagraphstyle [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | STYLETAG name] style/s The paragraph style to set. DOCUMENT/s The document name. WINDOW/s The window name. STYLETAG/s --unknown-- Examples: ...
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