Results 91 - 100 of 1633.
Step 9: Importing text
updated:2019-12-19 16:58:17
Now you will import a text file into the new columns. Importing text into PageStream is similar to placing a graphic, which you preformed in Step 4. 1. Choose the ''Text tool'' and click anywhere in the leftmost column. [note=sidebar][/note] The insertion point will be placed in the top left corner of the text columns. 2. Choose...
Step 5: Creating a text block
updated:2019-12-19 16:56:20
For this lesson you type the words Take Out Menu onto the front panel. Creating a text block is the best way to enter a short block of text such as this. Before you create the text block, you should change to a larger view magnification. Choose ''Actual Size'' from the ''View'' submenu in the...
Step 13: Importing text
updated:2019-12-19 16:55:16
If you cannot see the entire page in the window, choose ''Full Page'' from the ''View'' pop-up menu. In this exercise, you will import text created in a word processor into the text frame created in step 10. The text is stored in Rich Text Format (RTF), which is a standard format for exchanging text between...
Step 11: Saving as a template
updated:2019-12-19 16:54:26
Because this letterhead will be used as a template for future letters, you should save it as a template. A template is a special kind of PageStream document: when it is opened the window will be untitled. This will prevent you or others from accidentally saving a letter over the letterhead file. 1. Choose ''Save As Template'' from the...
Step 7: Scaling an object
updated:2019-12-19 16:53:57
The logo needs to be scaled to a smaller size to fit on the letterhead. As with moving an object, scaling can be done quickly by showing the object's bounding box, or more slowly by showing the actual object outlines. Because this is a complex logo, you will want to start scaling the object without pausing. Position the mouse pointer over the size...
Step 5: Changing view magnifications
updated:2019-12-19 16:53:27
PageStream allows you to view your document at magnification levels from 5% to 3000% of actual size. The current magnification level is shown on the ''Custom Scale'' button to the right of the ''View'' pop-up menu. You need to enlarge the top of the page so that you can work on it more easily, so choose the...
Step 3: Placing a graphic
updated:2019-12-19 16:53:02
In this step, you will import a drawing created with an illustration program to use as a logo for the letterhead. The logo will be placed near the top left corner of the page. 1. Choose ''Place Graphic'' from the ''File'' menu. The ''Place Graphic'' file selector will appear. Select Lessons.ILUS...
The Toolbar Panel
updated:2019-12-19 16:52:32
Commands: Select a command or script to add to the ''Toolbar''. Tools: Select a command or script to remove from the ''Toolbar'', or to move to a new position on the ''Toolbar''. Insert space: Click to insert space after the selected command or script in the ''Tools'' list. Up:...
The Folders Panel
updated:2019-12-19 16:51:57
Documents: Enter the default folder for opening and saving document files. Text: Enter the default folder for inserting and exporting text files. Graphics: Enter the default folder for placing and exporting graphic files. Scripts: Enter the default folder for scripts. Scratch: Enter the default folder for virtual memory scratch files. PDF: Enter the...
The View Panel
updated:2019-12-19 16:50:36
Rulers: Select to display rulers in new windows. Choose ''Show Rulers'' from the ''Layout'' menu to affect the active window. Invisibles: Select to display invisible character codes in all windows. Column Outlines: Select to display non-printing column outlines in all windows. Text Frame Links: Select to display...
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