Results 81 - 90 of 1633.
Creating a New Document
updated:2019-12-19 17:05:26
How to create a new document: 1. Click on the ''New'' button in the ''PageStream Navigator'' or choose ''New'' from the ''File'' menu. PageStream will display the ''New Document'' dialog box. You can enter a name for your document in the...
Chapter Arrangement
updated:2019-12-19 17:04:55
You can add, delete and reorder chapters and subchapters. The ''Document'' palette is used for all chapter arrangement tasks. Choose ''Show Document Palette'' from the ''Window'' menu to display the ''Document'' palette. To add a new chapter after other chapters at the document...
Page Arrangement
updated:2019-12-19 17:04:26
Inserting pages: To insert pages with the ''Page'' palette: Choose ''Show Page Palette'' from the ''Window'' menu. The ''Page'' palette will appear. Drag the ''New Page'' icon between the pages where you want to insert a new page. A vertical bar will appear...
Step 10: Setting dot leaders
updated:2019-12-19 17:03:31
The three columns you created earlier contains text that will use dot leaders (rows of dots between the left and right text blocks.) PageStream's Tab feature allows you to insert aligned rows of dots. Instead of manually pressing the period key (which are too closely spaced and which can not be aligned without a monospaced font), PageStream's dot...
Step 8: Creating multiple text columns
updated:2019-12-19 17:03:05
The guides you need to create this menu are already created. The margin guides define the edges of the layout, and column guides which divide the layout into a columnar grid. In this step, you will create a three column text frame. Go to page 2, using the ''Next Page'' button. Choose ''Show Full Page'' from the...
Step 6: Setting Text Attributes
updated:2019-12-19 17:02:32
The text you typed is 12 point sans serif (AmigaOS: Triumvirate, Linux:, Windows: Arial, Macintosh: Helvetica); this is PageStream's default font and size. You will change the text to Bold 24 point now. 1. Choose ''Select All'' from the ''Edit'' menu. The text in the text object will be selected. 2. Change the...
Step 4: Placing graphics
updated:2019-12-19 17:01:57
The outside of the brochure is made up of three panels. The front will have a logo. You will now place a graphic on the front panel. 1. Choose the ''Place Graphic'' command from the ''File'' menu. This will open the ''Place Graphic'' file selector. Select Lessons.ILUS file from the Graphics folder...
Step 2: Starting a new document
updated:2019-12-19 17:01:03
This document will be double-sided because guides are associated with master page sides in PageStream. The front and back of the menu must have different guide positions to accommodate the folds. Making the document double-sided allows you to set different guide positions for the sides of the menu. The document must also be landscape orientation; wider than...
Lesson 2: Designing a Menu
updated:2019-12-19 17:00:12
In this lesson, you will create a takeout menu. The format is a landscape letter page folded in thirds. This tri-fold brochure format is flexible because it is economical to produce and provides a flexible layout. You can spread objects across the folds, or use each panel as a separate page. The easiest way to lay out a tri-fold brochure is to create pages...
Step 11: Printing the document
updated:2019-12-19 16:59:14
Before you print the menu, you should save your work. Choose ''Save'' from the ''Project'' menu to save the document with the current name. If you have not already configured your printer setup in PageStream you should do so now. When you have selected a printer driver with ''Print Setup'' from the...
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