Results 681 - 690 of 1633.
Reshaping Paths
updated:2006-08-09 11:34:09
The ''Reshape'' tool allows you to edit the points in a path instead of its bounding box. You can add, delete, move and edit point handles after selecting a path with the ''Reshape'' tool. When you select a path with the ''Reshape'' tool, handles appear at each point. Note the difference when you...
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:07 last comment:2006-08-08 18:48:36
GETMARGINGUIDES Document Queries Gets the margin guides for a master page. getmarginguides [MASTERPAGE name] stem/a Gets the guide information. MASTERPAGE/s The master page name. Default=current. Results: stem inside/d The inside margin. outside/d The outside margin. top/d The top margin. bottom/d The bottom margin. ...
updated:2006-06-16 13:12:04 last comment:2006-08-08 09:14:19
Scripting related articles including, but not limited to, topics such as: Language choice Script conversion The major theme of the article should be related to scripting creation and usage.
Recommended Reading
updated:2006-08-07 17:45:02
Object Transformation
updated:2006-08-07 17:42:56
Reshaping Grids
updated:2006-08-07 17:42:13
When you select a grid with the ''Reshape'' tool, handles appear at the four corners. To change the number of horizontal and vertical cells: In the ''Edit Palette'' enter the number of horizontal and vertical cells. Two cells will give you one divider. ...
Reshaping Arcs
updated:2006-08-07 17:41:47
When you select an arc or pie with the ''Reshape'' tool, handles appear at the start and end angles. Note the difference when you select an arc with the ''Reshape'' tool instead of the Object tool. To change the start and end angles with the mouse: Drag the arc handles to the desired positions. To change the start...
Reshaping Objects
updated:2006-08-07 17:40:50
The ''Reshape'' tool is used to reshape arcs, grids, paths and tables. You can select objects with the ''Reshape'' tool in the same manner as the ''Object'' tool, but you should use the ''Reshape'' tool only to reshape these four types of objects....
Scaling Objects
updated:2006-08-07 17:40:21
To scale an object with the mouse: Select an object with the ''Object'' tool and drag one of its size handles. Hold down Shift to constrain scaling to the object's current aspect ratio. If ''Snap-to-Grid'' or ''Snap-to-Guides'' are selected in the ''Layout'' menu, the...
Moving Objects
updated:2006-08-07 17:38:35
To move an object with the mouse: Select an object with the ''Object'' tool and drag the object. Hold down Shift to constrain movement to horizontal, vertical and 45 directions. If ''Snap-to-Grid'' or ''Snap-to-Guides'' are selected in the ''Layout'' menu, the object will be...
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