Results 651 - 660 of 1633.
Common Questions
updated:2006-08-11 14:42:59
Color Reproduction
updated:2006-08-11 14:27:40
PageStream can print documents in color on color printers, and can separate color documents for printing on commercial printing presses. Separating a document means that a printing plate for each ink is created. The printed page is created by printing each ink on the paper with its printing plate. Spot color and process color printing are the two methods of...
Creating and Editing Colors
updated:2006-08-11 14:26:15
updated:2006-08-11 14:25:20
PageStream offers several line attributes: * Color and pattern * Weight (width) * Dash * Cap and join * Miter limit * Arrowheads To set the weight: Select a preset width from the ''Weight'' pop-up menu or select ''Other'' and enter a custom width in the text box. ''Hairline'' is defined as 0.3pt....
updated:2006-08-11 11:48:19
When an object other than a solid color is printed, or when a solid color other than black is printed to a black and white printer, it is screened to represent the color intensity. A screen is a pattern of dots which are varied in size to change how much ink is applied to the page. This changes the darkness of the object. Note: Screens will only be used...
Shape Fills
updated:2006-08-11 11:44:03
Choose ''Shape'' from the ''Type'' pop-up menu to display the shape fill options. A shape fill is a smooth variation in color from the outside to the inside of an object or character. Shape fills have concentric bands in the shape of the object or character beginning at the path of the shape. You can set the...
Radial Fills
updated:2006-08-11 11:38:03
Choose ''Radial'' from the ''Type'' pop-up menu to display the radial fill options. A radial fill is a smooth variation in color from inside to outside of an object or character. Radial fills have concentric circular bands. You can set the beginning and ending colors with the ''Color'' and...
Gradient Fills
updated:2006-08-10 21:26:05
Select ''Gradient'' from the ''Type'' pop-up menu to display the gradient fill options. A gradient fill is a smooth variation in color from one part of an object or character to another part. You can set the beginning and ending colors with the ''Color'' and ''To'' pop-up...
Basic Fills
updated:2006-08-10 21:03:54
Select ''Basic'' from the ''Type'' pop-up menu to display the basic fill options.
Line and Fill Options
updated:2006-08-10 20:06:29
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