Results 641 - 650 of 1633.
Printing Pages Larger than the Paper
updated:2006-08-12 11:23:02
PageStream allows you to create documents much larger than any printer. If you need to print an oversized document such as a poster or banner on a desktop printer, you can use PageStream's automatic tiling feature to print pieces of a page which you can paste together. Tiling can only be used in conjunction with a scale of ''Actual...
Printing Proofs
updated:2006-08-12 11:19:52
If you are making changes to your document, you may want to print only a quick draft. You may not even want to read the text; instead, you may want to see the pages at a small size in relationship to other pages. PageStream allows you to print your page without pictures to create a quick draft copy, and can print multiple pages at thumbnail size on one...
Printing on a Desktop Printer
updated:2006-08-12 10:41:59
Most documents are printed on a desktop printer. Desktop printers can be used to proof drafts of a document before printing on an imagesetter, or to create camera-ready copy. Printing on a desktop printer is similar regardless of whether the printer is a PostScript or non-PostScript printer, and whether you're using a custom or Preferences (AmigaOS)...
Print Setup
updated:2006-08-11 20:50:57
Before you can print, you must choose a printer driver so that PageStream knows how to print your documents. The ''Print Setup'' dialog box allows you to select the printer driver and other printing defaults. For AmigaOS computers, printer setups can be saved and later reloaded using the ''Load'' and...
Non-PostScript Printers
updated:2006-08-11 20:40:20
Printers that are not PostScript compatible are generally referred to as non-PostScript printers. On WindowsOS and MacOS computers, PageStream uses the normal OS printer drivers and works in the same manner as other programs. On AmigaOS computers, PageStream can print through AmigaOS Preferences or with its own custom drivers for some popular printers. If...
PostScript Printers
updated:2006-08-11 20:33:31
PageStream uses a custom printer driver to print to PostScript printers. On WindowsOS computers, it works in conjunction with the standard Microsoft or Adobe PostScript printer driver. On MacOS computers, it works in conjunction with the LaserWriter driver. On AmigaOS computers, it completely bypasses the Preferences printer driver system because it is not...
Types of Printers
updated:2006-08-11 20:29:22
You can print your PageStream documents on a large variety of printers, including dot matrix, inkjet and laser printers. You can also print your documents on imagesetters and other PostScript devices such as film recorders.
updated:2006-08-11 20:22:32
updated:2006-08-11 14:46:31
Why do gradient fills display crudely on screen?: Gradient fills display crudely on the screen for speed reasons. PageStream can fill very complex shapes such as text and freehand paths, so making them fast is one of the biggest challenges programming-wise. However, they will print at the highest quality possible on the destination printer. Why are the...
How do I...?
updated:2006-08-11 14:46:02
How do I change the color, fill type and fill pattern of text or objects?: Select the text or object to change and choose the ''Line & Fill'' command from the ''Type'' or ''Object'' menu. Click on the ''Fill'' tab, choose a fill type from the ''Type''...
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