Results 601 - 610 of 1633.
Text Editing Shortcuts
updated:2006-08-13 12:35:26
To move the insertion point to the... * previous character: press the Left Arrow. * next character: press the Right Arrow. * previous word: press Option Left Arrow. * next word: press Option Right Arrow. * previous line: press the Up Arrow. * next line: press the Down Arrow. * previous paragraph: press Option Up Arrow. * next paragraph: press Option Down...
Object Editing Shortcuts
updated:2006-08-13 12:33:52
Nudging objects: Â Object(s) must be selected with the ''Object'' or ''Reshape'' tool to nudge them. * Nudge left: Left Arrow * Nudge right: Right Arrow * Nudge up: Up Arrow * Nudge down: Down Arrow Note: hold down a Shift key to move by 10% of the nudge amount. Moving the contents of a frame: A picture, drawing, EPS...
Menu Shortcuts
updated:2006-08-13 12:31:14
File menu: * New: Command+N * Open: Command+O * Close: Command+W * Save: Command+S * Save As: Shift+Control+S * Insert Text: Command+I * Place Graphic: Command+L * Export Text: Command+E * Export Graphic: Command+K * Preferences: Command+D * Print: Command+P * About PageStream: Command+? * Quit: Command+Q Edit menu: * Undo: Command+Z * Redo: Command+R *...
updated:2006-08-13 12:23:25
Text Codes
updated:2006-08-13 11:11:36
Text codes allow you to specify character and paragraph attributes in ASCII text files. PageStream text codes support most character and paragraph attributes available in PageStream. This appendix provides a complete list of all PageStream text codes. The first line of any file formatted with PageStream text codes must have a version identifier as the first...
Home & Office Forms
updated:2006-08-13 10:34:09
50 templates for the home, shool and office. North American paper sizes. Four examples are shown below.
Direct Templates
updated:2006-08-13 10:07:49
488 templates for PaperDirect®'s North American papers. If you use PaperDirect papers, you need Direct Templates.
updated:2006-08-13 10:04:46
updated:2006-08-13 10:00:14
updated:2006-08-13 09:55:05
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