Results 571 - 580 of 1633.
Making eye-catching titles with TextFX
updated:2006-08-16 16:07:46
One of the principle rules in designing a document is that it must be readable. Another rule is that it should be interesting. Unfortunately, the most readable documents are often the most uninteresting ones. Compromise is the solution. Luckily, interesting headlines can still be very readable and PageStream gives you the tools to make interesting...
Using Language Modules
updated:2006-08-16 15:54:57
If you take a quick peek in PageStream, you will see a number of languages listed in the ''Language'' submenu in the ''Type'' menu. These represent languages for which PageStream has a spelling dictionary, hyphenation routines, and provisions for language specific date, time and smart quotes. A few other things like...
Getting Started
updated:2006-08-15 17:44:32
How do I...?
updated:2006-08-15 15:52:17
How do I draw shapes?: Choose a shape tool and drag the mouse from the start to the end of the shape. Release the mouse to end the shape. Most shapes are drawn from a corner to the diagonally opposite corner. Ellipses, arcs and polygons are drawn from the center to the outside edge. How do I draw paths?: Choose the...
Document Palette
updated:2006-08-15 15:43:01
The ''Document Palette'' allows you to change the document's structure: add, move, insert, delete and edit chapters, and add, delete and edit master pages. See: Documents > Chapters and Documents > Master Pages
Page Palette
updated:2006-08-15 15:41:31
The ''Page Palette'' allows you to move the pages in your document, create and dissolve page spreads, change the master page on which a page is based, and insert or delete pages. See: Documents > Pages
Layer Palette
updated:2006-08-15 15:38:16
The ''Layer Palette'' allows you to set the active drawing layer for the page, make layers/drawings invisible and visible, shortcuts for creating and deleting layers, and shortcuts for changing the stack order of layers. See: Objects > Layers
Script Palette
updated:2006-08-15 15:37:22
The ''Script Palette'' allows you to record and play internal scripts, as well as edit the existing scripts. See: Scripting > What are Scripts?
Style Palette
updated:2006-08-15 15:36:26
The ''Style Palette'' allows you to apply ''Paragraph Styles'' and ''Character Styles'' to the selected text and object styles to the selected objects, as well as edit the existing text and object styles. See: Text > Paragraph and Character Styles and Object > Object Styles...
Color Palette
updated:2006-08-15 15:34:52
The ''Color Palette'' allows you to conveniently apply stroke and fill colors to text and objects, and enables you to edit the colors used in the document. See: Line, Fill and Color > Applying Line, Fill and Color Attributes > The Color Palette
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