Results 451 - 460 of 1633.
updated:2006-08-18 17:30:43
If you make a mistake, or you apply an effect and want to try it again with different values, you can use BME's ''Undo'' command to reverse your actions. BME can undo as many events as memory permits, and you can redo something you have undone. BME allows you to undo everything except: * Commands in the ''File''...
Other Effects Modules
updated:2006-08-18 11:56:07
Because of the open architecture of BME, additional effects can be added by installing them in the Effects folder. A collection of picture effects exists, called ''Gary's Effects'', that will allow you to obtain just the right look for your pictures. This useful add-on offers, among other effects: ''Average'',...
updated:2006-08-18 11:55:26
This effect tiles the picture an equal number of tiles vertically and horizontally. Any picture type can be tiled. To tile an area or picture: Select an area to tile, or deselect a selected area if you want to tile the entire picture. Choose the ''Tile'' command from the ''Effects'' menu to open the...
updated:2006-08-18 11:54:55
This effect sharpens the edges of pictures. It is particularly effective in pictures that appear blurry. Black and white and palette pictures cannot be sharpened. To sharpen an area or picture: Select an area to change, or deselect a selected area if you want to change the entire picture. Choose the ''Sharpen'' command from the...
Reduce Noise
updated:2006-08-18 11:54:15
If you scan a picture, you may wish to clean it up before using or tracing it. Scanning can create a picture with noise, or random pixels that are not part of the picture. Noise reduction removes clusters or pixels below a specified size. This is especially useful for autotracing so that you can trace the actual picture without tracing undesired pixels....
updated:2006-08-18 11:52:09
Duplicates the selected object(s) once with a small offset. duplicate [DEFAULTOFFSET | NOOFFSET | OFFSET offsetx offsety] [IDLIST &objectidlist/.0.1.2] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] DEFAULTOFFSET/b Use the default duplicate offsets. NOOFFSET/b Duplicate in the exact same location as the originals. OFFSET/d Overrides the default...
updated:2006-08-18 11:51:45
Brief description. New in 4.0. droptext <AT x y> [FRONTMOST | BACKMOST] [MOVE | COPY] [PAGE document:...-pagenum | MPG document:...-masterpage:side | DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document~window] Examples: ARexx: droptext
updated:2006-08-18 11:51:24
Starts a new text block. drawtextobj <left top> [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [stack] [PAGE number | MPG name/S | DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name] left.../d The top left corner of the text block. ROTATE/d The rotation angle. Default=0. SKEW/d The slant...
updated:2006-08-18 11:50:15
Draws a new regular polygon. drawpolygon <centerx centery radiusx radiusy> [type] [SIDES number] [OFFSETANGLE angle] [DEFLECTION amount] [ANGLEDEFLECTION amount] [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [stack] [PAGE number | MPG name/S | DOCUMENT name | WINDOW...
updated:2006-08-18 11:49:05
Places a picture frame. drawpicture <left top right bottom> [CONTENTOFFSET offsetx offsety] [CONTENTSCALE scalex scaley] [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [stack] [DPI xdpi ydpi] [frame] [stored] [FILE filepath] [PAGE number | MPG name/S | DOCUMENT name...
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