Results 381 - 390 of 1633.
updated:2006-08-19 11:48:12
Sets the size of the brush. setbrushsize <width height> [NAME name] width/i The width of the brush. Max=64. height/i The height of the brush. Max=64. NAME/s The picture name. Default=current. Examples: ARexx: setbrushsize 16 16 setbrushsize 2 2 name 'Macintosh HD:Graphics:Tiger' setbrushsize 5 7 name 'Graphics:Tiger.ILBM'...
PageLiner Scripting Documentation
updated:2006-08-19 11:47:39
PageLiner Scripting Documentation
Startup Options
updated:2006-08-19 11:47:19
If the PageLiner.prefs file exists in the same directory as PageLiner, startup options entered in the file will be used when PageLiner is started. A PageLiner preferences file should start with: ;PageLiner Preferences File The syntax of all options is command=data. The case is irrelevant. The commands which can be used are: * PORTNAME=name: the ARexx port...
updated:2006-08-19 11:46:30
This reopens the last saved version of a picture, cancelling changes that have been made. revert [mode] mode/k The user prompt mode for unsaved pictures. Options: FORCE | ALERT | QUIET (default). Force ignores the saved status, alert opens an alert box if it has been changed, and quiet ignores the saved status but returns an error if the picture had not...
Preferences File
updated:2006-08-19 11:44:32
PageLiner offers some additional settings which can only be changed by editing the Preferences file. Load the PageLiner.prefs file (or any preferences file you have created and use) into PageLiner or another text editor to edit the preferences. * FONT=fontname,size: Sets the Amiga font for text windows. Example: FONT=topaz.font,11 * PARENTWIN=left,top: Sets...
Function Keys
updated:2006-08-19 11:43:08
The ''Function Keys'' command in the ''Settings'' menu opens a requester to assign external ARexx scripts and text strings to the ten function keys. Change the cycle gadget for a function key to ''ARexx'' and enter the name and path of an ARexx script into the associated text gadget. Alternatively,...
BME Scripting Documentation
updated:2006-08-19 11:42:20
BME Scripting Documentation
updated:2006-08-19 11:41:46
Scales the selected area. If an area is not selected, it will scale the entire picture. resize [SIZE width height] [DPI horz vert] [IMAGE option/I] [NAME name] SIZE/i The size of the picture. Default=current. DPI/i The resolution of the picture. Default= current. IMAGE/k How to scale the picture. Options: CENTER | SCALE (default) | LOWERLEFT | LOWERRIGHT |...
updated:2006-08-19 11:40:03
The ''Paths'' command in the ''Settings'' menu opens a requester to set the file path to use for text files and the spelling dictionary files. Enter the full path names into the text gadgets, or click on the ''?'' gadgets to choose a path from a file requester. ...
updated:2006-08-19 11:37:41
The ''General'' command in the ''Settings'' menu opens a requester to set window and cursor options. You can change the cursor width, the rate at which it flashes (set it to 0 to stop it from flashing), and the number of spaces to use for a tab, by dragging the sliders at the top of the requester. Enter the amount to...
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