Results 371 - 380 of 1633.
updated:2006-08-19 11:57:15
Clears the current text article. clear (no parameters) Example: ARexx: clear
updated:2006-08-19 11:57:01
Sets the default file path for opening and saving pictures. setpicturepath <filepath> filepath/s The path for the files. Examples: ARexx: setpicturepath 'Macintosh HD:PageStream:Graphics' setpicturepath 'Brilliance:Pictures'
S Commands
updated:2006-08-19 11:56:13
BME S Command Reference
Starting HHV
updated:2006-08-19 11:55:58
HHV can either be used as a stand-alone program or as a hooked application from PageStream or BME. Pressing the Help key at any time in PageStream or in BME will execute HHV automatically and open the help files. To start HHV from your operating system: Double click on the ''HHV'' icon in your PageStream folder. To start HHV from...
updated:2006-08-19 11:54:14
Changes the magnification of the picture. setmagnify <horz vert> [SCALE custom | preset] horz/i The horizontal zoom center point.(Default=center) vert/i The vertical zoom center point. (Default= center) SCALE/d The magnification level to use. Options: 3.125 | 6.25 | 12.5 | 25 | 50 | 100 | 200 | 400 | 800 |1600 | 3200. preset/k The preset magnification...
C Commands
updated:2006-08-19 11:53:20
PageLiner C Command Reference
updated:2006-08-19 11:53:01
This executes an external Python, ARexx or AppleScript script as applicable. rx [filepath] filepath/s The filename and path of the script to execute. Examples: ARexx: rx 'PageStream:Macros/Test.REXX'
updated:2006-08-19 11:51:59
Sets the brush color. setcolor [FORE type color] [BACK type color] [NAME name] FORE Sets the foreground color. BACK Sets the background color. type/k The color type. Options: GRAY | PALETTE | RGB | CMYK. color/i The color values. Options: GRAYSCALE 0-255 PALETTE 0-15 or 0-255 RGB 0-255 0-255 0-255 CMYK 0-255 0-255 0-255 0-255 NAME/s The picture name....
Index of Commands
updated:2006-08-19 11:49:57
Complete PageLiner Command Index
updated:2006-08-19 11:49:38
Rotates the selected area horizontally or vertically. If an area is not selected, the entire picture will be affected. rotate [mode] [NAME name] mode/k The rotation amount and direction. Options: 90CW (default) | 90CCW | 180. NAME/s The picture name. Default=current. Examples: ARexx: rotate 90ccw rotate name 'Macintosh HD:Graphics:Tiger' rotate...
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