Results 311 - 320 of 1633.
U Commands
updated:2006-08-19 17:45:28
PageLiner U Command Reference
updated:2006-08-19 17:45:00
Inserts a text string at the insertion point. text <string> string/s The text string to insert. Examples: ARexx: text 'This is a test.'
T Commands
updated:2006-08-19 17:44:35
PageLiner T Command Reference
updated:2006-08-19 17:43:33
Selects the word at the insertion point. selectword (no parameters) Examples: ARexx: selectword
updated:2006-08-19 17:43:23
Executes an external ARexx macro. rx [filepath] filepath/f The filename and path of the macro to execute. Examples: ARexx: rx 'PageStream:Macros/Test.REXX'
updated:2006-08-19 17:42:28
Selects the paragraph at the insertion point. selectparagraph (no parameters) Examples: ARexx: selectparagraph
R Commands
updated:2006-08-19 17:42:07
PageLiner R Command Reference
updated:2006-08-19 17:41:42
Selects all the text in the article. selectall (no parameters) Examples: ARexx: selectall
updated:2006-08-19 17:41:31
Quit PageLiner. quit (no parameters) Examples: ARexx: quit
Q Commands
updated:2006-08-19 17:40:07
PageLiner Q Command Reference
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