Results 291 - 300 of 1633.
PageLiner User Documentation
updated:2006-08-31 16:10:04
PageLiner is a tool for editing text articles. You can use PageLiner to modify text created in PageStream, or to create new text articles. Because AmigaOS does not include a suitable text editor, PageLiner for Amiga is included in the PageStream publishing system. At this time, PageLiner is an Amiga-only application. PageLiner is a text editor mainly...
The Toolbar
updated:2006-08-31 16:03:07
''New'' Creates a new picture. This is the same as choosing ''New'' from the ''File'' menu. ''Open'' Opens an existing picture. This is the same as choosing ''Open'' from the ''File'' menu. ''Save'' Saves the current...
The Toolbox
updated:2006-08-31 16:02:59
After BME has loaded, the ''Toolbox'' will appear. The ''toolbox'' allows you to paint, define areas to modify, and change the part of the picture which is shown in picture windows. ''Paint'' tool: For painting pixels. When ''this'' tool is selected, the mouse pointer changes...
Starting BME
updated:2006-08-31 16:02:44
You can start BME by double clicking on the BME program icon in your PageStream folder. BME's ''Toolbox'', ''Toolbar'', windows, menus and other interface elements function identically to PageStream.
Interface-Based Table of Contents
updated:2006-08-31 15:58:56
PageStream gives you a blank page on which to mix text and graphics to create a finished page design. Text and graphics can be imported from other sources or created directly in PageStream and then arranged on the page. PageStream allows you to combine text and graphics without restrictions. It has a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get, or WYSIWYG display, so that...
Bug Tracking
updated:2006-08-30 20:31:03
For the most part, if you are unsure on how to use a function, or need other help, the best way to get that help is to post to the PageStreamSupport mailing list. If you are sure that the problem is in PageStream, we now have a bugzilla database running where you can post your bug. Gunther Lemm was kind enough to set it up, and has written a short...
Bug Tracking
updated:2006-08-30 19:48:57
Macintosh Beta Mailing List
updated:2006-08-30 18:32:49
This list is the proper place to post bug reports and ask for help with PageStream Macintosh beta copies. Once the final version is released this list will be dormant until the next prerelease or beta. In order to reduce the spam on this list, we must first approve all new subscribers. However, everyone gets approved who has any interest in PageStream. For...
PageStream Support Mailing List
updated:2006-08-30 18:30:24
The PageStream mailing list is for discussion of PageStream version and addon products for all platforms. The primary discussion topic is using PageStream on Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows computers. There are also mailing lists for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh and Windows PageStream betas. See the end of this message for details on those lists. The...
Mailing Lists
updated:2006-08-30 16:47:34
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 PageLiner Scripting Documentation
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