Results 271 - 280 of 1633.
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:58 last comment:2006-09-06 12:04:07
SETREVISIONTRACKING File Commands Toggles revision tracking on or off. setrevisiontracking [status] [SAVE] status/k Sets the revision tracking status. Options:ON Toggles on revision tracking. OFF Toggles off revision tracking. TOGGLE Toggles revision tracking. SAVE Saves to the PageStream3 Preferences file. Notes: The...
updated:2006-09-06 12:03:41
Sets the attributes for a revision log entry. New in SetRevision [DESCRIPTION description] [BUMPMINOR | BUMPMAJOR | VERSION majorversion minorversion] [CREATED | MODIFIED] [USER username] [REVISION revh] Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: DeleteRevision, GetRevision, GetRevisions, InsertRevision, LogRevision, and SetRevisionTracking ...
updated:2006-03-31 11:11:33 last comment:2006-09-06 12:03:03
LOGREVISION File Commands Adds revision history and increases the revision number for a document, chapter, page or masterpage. logrevision [DESCRIPTION text] [VERSION major minor | BUMPREV] [USER username] [CHAPTER name | PAGE number | MASTERPAGE name] DESCRIPTION/s The text to add to the revision log. VERSION/i The major and minor version...
updated:2006-09-06 12:02:26
Gets the list of revision log entry handles. New in count = GetRevisions &revhlist [DOCUMENT document | CHAPTER document:... | PAGE document:...-pagenum | MASTERPAGE document:...-masterpage | WINDOW document-window] NOTE: in this case, WINDOW will make use of the document. Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: DeleteRevision, GetRevision,...
updated:2006-08-18 11:18:39 last comment:2006-09-06 11:52:13
Draws text frames on a range of pages with one or more columns in them. createcolumns [DEFAULT | MARGINS inside top outside bottom] [COLUMNS number] [GUTTER space] [link] [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [stack] [IDLIST stem] [PAGE number | WINDOW name] [TO...
updated:2006-03-30 17:26:09 last comment:2006-09-06 11:50:40
OPEN File Commands This opens a document and a window. open filepath/s The filepath and name of the document. Examples: open 'PageStream:documents/Project.doc'
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:06 last comment:2006-09-06 11:49:19
GETDIMENSIONS Document Queries Gets the dimensions of a master page. getdimensions [MASTERPAGE name] stem/a Gets the dimensions. MASTERPAGE/s The master page name. Default=current. Results: stem width/d The width. height/d The height. orientation/k The orientation: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE. spreads/k The spread type:...
updated:2006-03-30 17:19:29 last comment:2006-09-06 11:47:44
NEWMASTERPAGE Document Commands Creates a new master page in a document or chapter. newmasterpage [orientation] [sides] [spread] [CHAPTER name | WINDOW name] name/s The new master page name. width/d The master page width. height/d The master page height. orientation/k The orientation: PORTRAIT (default) | LANDSCAPE. sides/k The...
Documentation Library
updated:2006-09-04 18:28:51
PageStream: PageStream User Documentation PageStream Guide PageStream Scripting Documentation BME (Bitmap Editor): BME User Documentation BME Scripting Documentation PageLiner: PageLiner User Documentation (Amiga only) PageLiner Scripting Documentation HHV (HTML Help Viewer): HHV User Documentation General: Developer Documentation PageStream Web Site...
BME Help
updated:2006-09-02 21:15:57
BME HELP SYSTEM Pictures Painting Selections Effects Scripts Troubleshooting Scripting Pictures How do I... open a picture? save a picture? change the magnification? move a picture in its window? change the picture type? change the palette? Definitions picture picture type Painting How do I... paint...
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