Results 1631 - 1633 of 1633.
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:38
NAME SL_RenameSubItem -- renames a submenu item. SYNOPSIS success = SL_RenameSubItem(ah, barid, menuid, itemid, subid, newname); D0 A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 A1 SLFLAG SL_RenameSubItem(APPHANDLE, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, SLCHAR *); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_AddMenuItem, SL_AddSubItem, SL_BeginMenuUpdate, SL_CheckFontMenuItem, SL_CheckMenuItem,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:38
NAME SL_DoesFileExist -- checks if the file exist or not SYNOPSIS success = SL_DoesFileExist(filename); D0 A0 SLFLAG SL_DoesFileCheck(SLCHAR *); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS success - TRUE if the file exist, FALSE if the file does not exist. SEE ALSO SL_BeginExamine, SL_CloseFile, SL_DeleteFile, SL_DoesFileExist, SL_EndExamine, SL_EndFileNotify,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:38
NAME SL_GetFontMenuName -- gets the name of the selected font in a font menu. SYNOPSIS SL_GetFontMenuName(ah, buff); A0 A1 void SL_GetFontMenuName(APPHANDLE, SLCHAR *); FUNCTION When a menu selection is made from a font menu, this call is used to get the name of the font that was selected. INPUTS SEE ALSO SL_AddMenuItem, SL_AddSubItem, SL_BeginMenuUpdate,...
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