Results 1581 - 1590 of 1633.
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_FirstNode -- returns the first node in a list. SYNOPSIS node = SL_FirstNode(list); D0 A0 void *SL_FirstNode(LISTHANDLE); FUNCTION Returns the first node in a list. INPUTS list - a LISTHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateListA. RESULTS node - a pointer to the first node in the list or NULL if the list is empty. SEE ALSO SL_AddNodeAfter,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_IsListEmpty -- test a list for nodes. SYNOPSIS success = SL_IsListEmpty(list); D0 A0 SLFLAG SL_IsListEmpty(LISTHANDLE); FUNCTION To test if a list has any nodes in it. INPUTS list -a LISTHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateListA. RESULTS success - TRUE is the list is empty, FALSE if the list contains nodes. SEE ALSO SL_AddNodeAfter, SL_AddNodeBefore,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_SortListFieldRange -- sorts a range of nodes by a field. SYNOPSIS SL_SortListFieldRange(list, order, casesensitive, field, start, end); A0 D0 D1 D2 D3D4 void SL_SortListFieldRange(LISTHANDLE, UWORD, SLFLAG, UWORD, ULONG, ULONG); FUNCTION Sorts a range of nodes by a given field. INPUTS list - a LISTHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateListA. order -...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_FreeTM2D -- frees a 2-D matrix created by SL_CreateTM2D. SYNOPSIS SL_FreeTM2D(tm); A0 void SL_FreeTM2D(TM2DHANDLE); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - a TM2DHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateTM2D. SEE ALSO SL_ApplyTM2D, SL_CloneTM2D, SL_ConcateTM2D, SL_CopyTM2D, SL_CreateTM2D, SL_DeltaApplyTM2D, SL_FreeTM2D, SL_GetTM2D, SL_InitTM2D, SL_InverseApplyTM2D,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_CopyTM2D -- copies a 2-d transformation matrix into another. SYNOPSIS SL_CopyTM2D(to, from); A0A1 void SL_CopyTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, TM2DHANDLE); FUNCTION INPUTS to - the 2-d transformation matrix to copy into. from - the 2-d transformation matrix to copy from. SEE ALSO SL_ApplyTM2D, SL_CloneTM2D, SL_ConcateTM2D, SL_CopyTM2D, SL_CreateTM2D,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_GetTM2D -- gets the values out of a 2-d transformation matrix. SYNOPSIS SL_GetTM2D(tm, value_array, units); A0 A1 D0 void SL_GetTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG *, ULONG); FUNCTION This allows the user to get all six values that comprise a 2-d transformation matrix. The value array must have at least six entries. This is the order of the array as it...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_ConcateTM2D -- multplies two 2-D transformation matrices together. SYNOPSIS SL_ConcateTM2D(to, from); A0 A1 void SL_ConcateTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, TM2DHANDLE); FUNCTION Multiplies the two matrices together. The order of the multplication is to = to * from. INPUTS to - the tm that will hold the result. from - the tm to combine with the to tm. SEE ALSO...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_ScaleTM2D -- applies a scaling factor to a 2-d transformation matrix. SYNOPSIS SL_ScaleTM2D(tm, xscale, xunits, yscale, yunits); A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 void SL_ScaleTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG, ULONG, LONG, ULONG); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - the 2-d tm to scale. xscale - the numerator of the xscaling factor. xunits- the denominator of the xscaling factor. yscale -...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_ApplyTM2D -- applies a 2-d tm to a x,y pair. SYNOPSIS SL_ApplyTM2D(tm, dx, dy, sx, sy); A0 A1 A2 D0 D1 void SL_ApplyTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG *, LONG *, LONG, LONG); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - the 2-d transformation matrix to apply. dx - a pointer to the destination of the transformed x coordinate. This may be NULL. dy - a pointer to the destination of the...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:37
NAME SL_TranslateTM2D -- translates a 2-d tm by x,y SYNOPSIS SL_TranslateTM2D(tm, x, y); A0 D0 D1 void SL_TranslateTM2D(TM2DHANDLE, LONG, LONG); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - the 2-d transformation matrix to translate. x - the x translation value. y - the y translation value. SEE ALSO SL_ApplyTM2D, SL_CloneTM2D, SL_ConcateTM2D, SL_CopyTM2D, SL_CreateTM2D,...
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