Results 1461 - 1470 of 1633.
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:12
NAME SL_FreeNode -- frees a node allocated by SL_CreateNodeA. SYNOPSIS SL_FreeNode(node); A0 void SL_FreeNode(void *); FUNCTION Frees the memory allocated by SL_CreateNodeA. INPUTS node - the pointer returned by SL_CreateNodeA. SEE ALSO SL_AddNodeAfter, SL_AddNodeBefore, SL_AddNodeHead, SL_AddNodeSorted, SL_AddNodeSortedFunc, SL_AddNodeTail,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:12
NAME SL_FreeList -- frees all nodes in a list and the list itself. SYNOPSIS SL_FreeList(lh); A0 void SL_FreeList(LISTHANDLE); FUNCTION Frees all the nodes in a list via SL_ClearList and frees the list handle itself. INPUTS lh - a LISTHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateListA. SEE ALSO SL_AddNodeAfter, SL_AddNodeBefore, SL_AddNodeHead, SL_AddNodeSorted,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:12
NAME SL_SortList -- sorts a list by the text names of the nodes. SYNOPSIS SL_SortList(lh, order, casesensitive); A0 D0 D1 void SL_SortList(LISTHANDLE, UWORD, SLFLAG); FUNCTION Sorts a list by the text names of the nodes according to the sort order and the case sensitivity flag. INPUTS list - a LISTHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateListA. order - one of...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:12
NAME SL_FindNodePos -- finds the nth node in a list. SYNOPSIS nh = SL_FindNodePos(lh, position); D0 A0D1 void *SL_FindNodePos(LISTHANDLE, ULONG); FUNCTION Returns the node at given position in a list. INPUTS position - the position of the node to return. This is a zero based position, so 0 will return the first node. RESULTS node - a pointer to the...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:13
This call is obsolete and is unsupported. Do not use.
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:13
NAME SL_FindAppArg -- finds an argnode by name SYNOPSIS success = SL_FindAppArg(apphandle, argname); D0A0 A1 SLFLAG SL_FindAppArg(APPHANDLE, SLCHAR *); FUNCTION Tries to find the named argument returns it's success. This function searches the applications apphandle list of arguments. Those are the arguments specified in a pref file or at startup...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:13
NAME SL_SetAppArgData -- sets the data in an argnode's argv array. SYNOPSIS success = SL_SetAppArgData(apphandle, argname, num, data); D0 A0 A1 D0 D1 SLFLAG SL_SetAppArgData(APPHANDLE , SLCHAR * , UWORD , SLCHAR * ); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_DeleteAppArg, SL_FindAppArg, SL_GetAppArgData, SL_GetAppArgCV, SL_SetAppArgCV,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:14
NAME SL_SetAppArgCV -- sets (or resets) an argnodes argc and argv. SYNOPSIS success = SL_SetAppArgCV(apphandle, argc, argv); D0 A0 D0 A1 SLFLAG SL_SetAppArgCV(APPHANDLE, UWORD, SLCHAR **); FUNCTION This will reset the argc,argv values in an argnode to the specified argc,argv. The argname is specified in the first argv entry. The argv entries are...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:14
NAME SL_SaveSettings -- saves an app's settings to a file. SYNOPSIS success = SL_SaveSettings(apphandle, filename); D0 A0 A1 SLFLAG SL_SaveSettings(APPHANDLE , SLCHAR * ); FUNCTION This saves the settings from the applications default arguments/settings area into a file. If the filename argument is NULL, then the default settings file is used. The...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:14
NAME SL_SaveTempSettings -- saves the temporary settings to a file. SYNOPSIS success = SL_SaveTempSettings(apphandle, filename); D0 A0 A1 SLFLAG SL_SaveTempSettings(APPHANDLE , SLCHAR * ); FUNCTION This saves the settings from the temporary arguments/settings area into a file. If the filename argument is NULL, then the default settings file is used. The...
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