Results 1391 - 1400 of 1633.
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_DrawDisplayBitmapRect -- shows a given area of a bitmap. SYNOPSIS SL_DrawDisplayBitmapRect(wh, dbmh, left, top, srcx, srcy, width, height); A0 A1 D2 D3 D0 D1 D4 D5 void SL_DrawDisplayBitmapRect(WINHANDLE, DBMHANDLE, WORD, WORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_CreateDisplayBitmap, SL_FreeDisplayBitmap,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_QueryModule - ask a module if it supports a given action. SYNOPSIS success = SL_QueryModule(list, name, action); D0 A0 A1 D0 SLFLAG SL_QueryModule(LISTHANDLE, SLCHAR *, SLTAGTYPE); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_OpenModuleA, SL_CloseModule, SL_DoModuleA, SL_FindModuleFunc, SL_ModuleInitA, SL_ModuleCleanup....
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
The application callback function is used to process messages sent to the application. These messages do not rely on a GUI to generate them. the callback is: SL_CALLBACK void app_callback(struct AppMsg *); The callback is passed a pointer to a struct AppMsg. The callback uses this to process events that have occured in that application. This is a list of...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
The window callback function is used to process messages sent to the window. Multiple windows may share the same callback. The format of the callback is: SL_CALLBACK WORD window_callback(struct WinMsg *); The callback is passed a pointer to a struct WinMsg. The callback uses this to process events that have occured in that window. For each message all...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_StartNewTimerRequest -- Allocates, inits, and starts a new timer request. SYNOPSIS timehandle = SL_StartNewTimerRequest(apphandle, date, time, flags, userdata); D0 A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 TIMEHANDLE SL_StartNewTimerRequest(APPHANDLE, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, SLTAGDATA); FUNCTION When a timehandle elapses an AppMsg is sent to the application's app...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_CreateSubRequester -- allocates a subrequester. SYNOPSIS reqhandle = SL_CreateSubRequester(apphandle, reqid); D0 A0 D0 REQHANDLE SL_CreateSubRequester(APPHANDLE, UWORD); FUNCTION Allocates the sub requester identified by <reqid> but does not display it. INPUTS apphandle - as returned by SL_AppInitA. reqid - the sub requester to allocate....
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_AddSubRequester -- adds a subrequester to a requester. SYNOPSIS success = SL_AddSubRequester(reqhandle, subreqhandle, ctrlid); D0 A0 A1 D0 SLFLAG SL_AddSubRequester(REQHANDLE, REQHANDLE, UWORD); FUNCTION INPUTS reqhandle - as returned by AllocApprequester(). subreqhandle - as returned by SL_CreateSubRequester. ctrlid - the id of the control to...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_DeleteFile -- deletes a file or drawer. SYNOPSIS success = SL_DeleteFile(apphandle, filename); D0A0 A1 SLFLAG SL_DeleteFile(APPHANDLE, SLCHAR *); FUNCTION issue: what to do about deleting drawers that have things in them? The Amiga will not delete a drawer unless it is empty. Do we want to define this function as it will delete whatever it is...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_LockFile -- locks a file. SYNOPSIS lockhandle = SL_LockFile(apphandle, filename, mode); D0 A0 A1 D0 LOCKHANDLE SL_LockFile(APPHANDLE, SLCHAR *, UWORD); FUNCTION INPUTS apphandle - as returned by SL_AppInitA. filename - the name of the file to lock. mode - one of FLOCK_SHARED or FLOCK_EXCLUSIVE. RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_BeginExamine, SL_CloseFile,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_StartFileNotifyA -- starts notification on a given file or drawer. SL_StartFileNotify -- varargs stub for SL_StartFileNotifyA. SYNOPSIS notifyhandle = SL_StartFileNotifyA(apphandle, filename, userdata, tags); D0 A0 A1D0 A2 NOTIFYHANDLE SL_StartFileNotifyA(APPHANDLE, SLCHAR *, SLTAGDATA, struct TagItem *tags); notifyhandle =...
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