Results 1381 - 1390 of 1633.
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:33
NAME SL_SetMacroVarCOORD -- sets an floating point variable in a macro. SYNOPSIS success = SL_SetMacroVarCOORD(apphandle, varname, coord, type); D0 A0 A1 D0 D1 SLFLAG SL_SetMacroVarCOORD(APPHANDLE, SLCHAR *, COORD, UWORD); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_BeginMacroArray, SL_EndMacroArray, SL_FreeMacroArray, SL_AddMacroArrayArray,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:33
NAME SL_DeleteAppArg -- deletes the named argument. SYNOPSIS SL_DeleteAppArg(apphandle, argname); A0 A1 void SL_DeleteAppArg(APPHANDLE, SLCHAR *); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_FindAppArg, SL_GetAppArgData, SL_SetAppArgData, SL_GetAppArgCV, SL_SetAppArgCV, SL_LoadSettings, SL_SaveSettings, SL_LoadTempSettings, SL_SaveTempSettings,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:33
NAME SL_MakeNativeLong -- converts a LONG in the specified byte order to a native LONG. SYNOPSIS nlong = SL_MakeNativeLong(flong, byteorder); D0 D0 D1 LONG SL_MakeNativeLong(LONG, UWORD); FUNCTION Turns the foreign format long into a native format long. The format of the foreign long is specified by the byteorder argument. INPUTS flong - the foreign format...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:34
NAME SL_MakeForeignLong -- converts a native LONG to the specified byte order. SYNOPSIS flong = SL_MakeForeignLong(nlong, byteorder); D0 D0 D1 LONG SL_MakeForeignLong(LONG, UWORD); FUNCTION Turns a native format long into a foreign format long. The format of the foreign long is specified by the byteorder argument. INPUTS nlong - the native format long to...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:34
NAME SL_FlushFile -- flushes a filehandle. SYNOPSIS success - SL_FlushFile(fhandle); D0 A0 SLFLAG SL_FlushFile(SLFHANDLE); FUNCTION Flushes the buffered contents of the filehandle to the file system. INPUTS fhandle - a file handle as returned by SL_OpenFile. RESULTS success - TRUE if the file was flushed, FALSE if it could not be. SEE ALSO...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:34
NAME SL_GetFilePath -- gets the file path part of a path. SYNOPSIS buff = SL_GetFilePath(path, buff, bufflen) D0 A0 A1 D0 SLCHAR *SL_GetFilePath(SLCHAR *, SLCHAR *, UWORD); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_BeginExamine, SL_CloseFile, SL_DeleteFile, SL_DoesFileExist, SL_EndExamine, SL_EndFileNotify, SL_ExamineFirstFile, SL_ExamineNextFile,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:34
NAME SL_GetExFileInfo -- fills in a struct ExFileInfo from a SLFHANDLE. SYNOPSIS success = SL_GetExFileInfoFH(fhandle, exfi); D0 A0 A1 SLFLAG SL_GetExFileInfoFH(SLFHANDLE, struct ExFileInfo *); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_BeginExamine, SL_CloseFile, SL_DeleteFile, SL_DoesFileExist, SL_EndExamine, SL_EndFileNotify, SL_ExamineFirstFile,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:34
NAME SL_FreeDisplayBitmap -- frees a displayable bitmap. SYNOPSIS SL_FreeDisplayBitmap(dbmh); A0 void SL_FreeDisplayBitmap(DBMHANDLE); FUNCTION Frees the memory allocated by SL_CreateDisplayBitmap. INPUTS dbmh - a handle as returned by SL_CreateDisplayBitmap. SEE ALSO SL_CreateDisplayBitmap, SL_ReadDisplayBitmapPixel, SL_WriteDisplayBitmapPixel,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:34
NAME SL_ReadDisplayBitmapRow -- reads a row from a displayable bitmap into an array. SYNOPSIS width = SL_ReadDisplayBitmapRow(dbmh, x, y, width, array) D0A0 D0 D1 D2 A1 ULONG SL_ReadDisplayBitmapRow(DBMHANDLE, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, ULONG *); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_CreateDisplayBitmap, SL_FreeDisplayBitmap, SL_ReadDisplayBitmapPixel,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:34
NAME SL_WriteDisplayBitmapRow -- writes a row of pixels into a displayable bitmap. SYNOPSIS SL_WriteDisplayBitmapRow(dbmh, x, y, width, array); A0 D0 D1 D2 A1 void SL_WriteDisplayBitmapRow(DBMHANDLE, UWORD, UWORD, UWORD, ULONG *); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_CreateDisplayBitmap, SL_FreeDisplayBitmap, SL_ReadDisplayBitmapPixel,...
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