Results 1261 - 1270 of 1633.
F Commands
updated:2006-04-02 14:35:41
PageStream F Command Reference
E Commands
updated:2006-04-02 12:51:38
PageStream E Command Reference
updated:2006-03-31 10:53:01
SIMPLIFYPATH Object Commands Simplfies the path by replacing lines and curves with a minimum number of lines and curves. There is no loss of accuracy. Use this command to simplify an overly complex path. simplifypath [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name] DOCUMENT/s The document name. WINDOW/s The window name. Examples: simplifypath ...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:59
SETSTROKEJOIN Color Commands Sets the stroke join for an object, or for a stroke style tag. If nothing is selected, it sets the stroke join for future objects. setstrokewidth [ALL | STROKENUMBER number] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number | STYLETAG name] MITER/d Sets a miter join. DEFAULT Sets the default miter limit (11). ...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:56
SETJUSTIFICATION Text Commands Sets the justification option at the insertion point, for selected text or for a style tag. setjustification [alignment] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | STYLETAG name] alignment/k Sets the alignment. Options: FLUSH | LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT. DOCUMENT/s The document name. WINDOW/s The window name. ...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:53
SETARTICLENAME Text Commands Sets the name of an article. setarticledesc [ARTICLE name | DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | ARTICLEID number] name/s The new name of the article. ARTICLE/s The name of the article to set. DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. ARTICLEID/i The number of...
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:08
GETTEXTLINKDISPLAY Document Queries Gets the text frame link display status. gettextlinkdisplay [WINDOW name] WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. Results: Returns the text link display status (ON|OFF) to RESULT. Examples: gettextlinkdisplay say 'Text Frame Link Display: '||result ...
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:08
GREEKING Document Queries Changes the text greeking status. greeking [WINDOW name] status/k The greeking status. Options: ON | OFF | TOGGLE. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. Examples: greeking off
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:08
GETPICTUREDISPLAY Document Queries Gets the picture display status. getpicturedisplay [WINDOW name] WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. Results: Returns the display status (ON|OFF) to RESULT. Examples: getpicturedisplay say 'Picure Display: '||result ...
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:08
GROUP Object Commands Groups selected objects into a logical group. group [POSITION left top right bottom] [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [stack] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name] POSITION/d The coordinates of the object. Default=current...
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