Results 1171 - 1180 of 1633.
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:07 last comment:2006-05-03 18:38:14
GETMASTERPAGEDESC Document Queries Gets the description of a master page. getmasterpagedesc [MASTERPAGE name] MASTERPAGE/s The master page name. Default=current. Results: The description is returned to RESULT. Examples: getmasterpagedesc
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:56 last comment:2006-05-03 18:37:58
SETMASTERPAGEDESC Document Commands Set the description for a master page in a document or chapter. setmasterpagedesc [MASTERPAGE name] text/s The master page description. MASTERPAGE/s The master page name. Default=current. Examples: setmasterpagedesc 'Use for inside newsletter pages.' ...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:56 last comment:2006-05-03 18:36:18
SETMASTERPAGENAME Document Commands Set the name of a master page. setmasterpagename [MASTERPAGE name] name/s The new name of the master page. MASTERPAGE/s The old master page name. Default=current. Examples: setmasterpagename 'Layout2' 'Default Master Page' ...
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:07 last comment:2006-05-03 18:35:47
GETMASTERPAGES Document Queries Gets the number of master pages in a document or chapter and their names. getmasterpages [DOCUMENT name | CHAPTER name] stem/a Gets the names of the master pages. DOCUMENT/s The document name. CHAPTER/s The chapter name. Results: The number of master pages in the document or chapter is returned...
updated:2006-05-03 18:34:33
Dissolve the {...} . DissolveGroup ([ALERT] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-05-03 18:32:27
Creates the {...} . objectid = CreateGroup ([INFRONT | INBACK | BEST] [POSITION left top right bottom] [FRAMELESS | FRAMED] [CONTENTOFFSET x y] [CONTENTSCALE x y] [CONTENTROTATE rotation | CONTENTSKEW slant twist] [CONSTRAIN | FREE] [PRINT | NOPRINT] [ABOUT x y | ABOUTCENTER] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: ...
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:07 last comment:2006-05-03 18:31:10
GETGROUP Object Queries Gets coordinates and information for a group. getgroup [POSITION stem] [ROTATION stem] [ABOUT stem] [CONSTRAIN string] [PRINT string] [FILEINFO stem] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] POSITION/a Gets the coordinates. ROTATION/a Gets the rotation. ABOUT/a Gets the rotation point. CONSTRAIN/s Gets...
updated:2006-03-30 14:03:53 last comment:2006-05-03 18:30:50
EDITGROUP Object Commands Sets the coordinates of a selected group. editgroup [POSITION left top right bottom] [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] POSITION/d The coordinates of the object. ...
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:07 last comment:2006-05-03 18:30:34
GETGRIDOBJECT Object Queries Gets coordinates and information for a grid object. getgridobject [POSITION stem] [POINTS stem] [DIVISIONS stem] [ROTATION stem] [ABOUT stem] [CONSTRAIN string] [PRINT string] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] POSITION/a Gets the bounding box coordinates. POINTS/a Gets the coordinates of the...
updated:2006-03-30 14:03:53 last comment:2006-05-03 18:30:15
EDITGRID Object Commands Sets the coordinates of a selected grid object. editgrid [POSITION pointx1 pointy1 pointx2 pointy2 | POINTS pointx1 pointy1 pointx2 pointy2 pointx3 pointy3 pointx4 pointy4> [DIVISIONS horz vert] [ROTATE angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle] [ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint]...
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