Results 1121 - 1130 of 1633.
updated:2006-03-31 10:53:01 last comment:2006-05-03 19:33:06
SPLITPOINT Drawing Commands Splits a path apart at a point. splitpoint [POINTINDEX point] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] POINTINDEX/i The number of the point to split. Default=selected point. DOCUMENT/s The document name. WINDOW/s The window name. OBJECTID/i The number of the object. Default=current. Notes:...
updated:2006-03-30 17:19:29 last comment:2006-05-03 19:32:53
NUDGEPOINT Drawing Commands Nudges selected path point(s) in any direction by the current nudge value. nudgepoint [TAP] [POINTINDEX point] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] horz/k The horizontal nudge direction. Options: LEFT | RIGHT. vert/k The vertical nudge direction. Options: UP | DOWN. TAP/k Nudges...
updated:2006-03-30 17:10:47 last comment:2006-05-03 19:32:33
MOVEPOINT Drawing Commands Moves selected path point(s). movepoint [OFFSET x y] [POINTINDEX point] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] OFFSET/d The amount to move the point. POINTINDEX/i The number of the point to move. Default=selected point(s). DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name....
updated:2006-03-30 14:03:53 last comment:2006-05-03 19:31:56
EDITPOINT Drawing Commands Edits the coordinates of a path point. editpoint [ANCHOR x y] [CONTROLBEFORE x y] [CONTROLAFTER x y] [join] [POINTINDEX point] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] ANCHOR/d The new coordinates of the point. CONTROLBEFORE/d The new coordinates of the previous curve handle. CONTROLAFTER/d The new...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:52 last comment:2006-05-03 19:30:44
SELECTPOINT Drawing Commands Selects a path point. selectpoint [neighbor] [POINTINDEX point] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] neighbor/k Selects a neighboring point. Options: NEXT | PREVIOUS. POINTINDEX/i The number of the point to select. Default=selected point(s). DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current....
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:06 last comment:2006-05-03 19:30:26
GENERATEMASK Object Commands Generates a new mask for a picture with a white background. generatemask [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. OBJECTID/i The number of the object to edit. Examples: generatemask generatemask objectid...
updated:2006-03-30 20:08:12 last comment:2006-05-03 19:29:51
RELEASEMASK Object Commands Removes the mask from a masked graphic without deleting the mask. The result will be a selected graphic and a selected path. releasemask [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. OBJECTID/i The number of the object...
updated:2006-03-30 17:10:47 last comment:2006-05-03 19:27:01
MAKEMASK Object Commands Attaches a shape or path to a graphic as a mask. The shape or path must be selected makemask [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. OBJECTID/i The number of the object to edit. Examples: makemask makemask...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:52 last comment:2006-05-03 19:25:55
SELECTOBJECT Object Commands Selects object(s). selectobject > [PAGE number | MPG name | WINDOW name] [LASSO [EVERY | FRONTMOST | BACKMOST][REPLACE | ADD | REMOVE | TOGGLE | AND]
updated:2006-03-30 17:46:00 last comment:2006-05-03 19:25:40
PASTEOBJECT Object Commands Pastes the objects from the clipboard onto the current page. If there is text in the clipboard, the command will fail. pasteobject [progress] [AT x y] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name] progress/k Toggle to display a progress meter. Options: STATUS | NOSTATUS (default). AT/d The position at which to center the...
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