Results 1111 - 1120 of 1633.
updated:2006-03-30 17:10:47 last comment:2006-05-03 19:47:54
MERGEPATHS Object Commands Merge the paths of selected object(s) and path(s). mergepaths [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. OBJECTID/i The number of the object to manipulate. Examples: mergepaths mergepaths document...
updated:2006-05-03 19:47:17
Merges the {...} . MergeSubPaths ([DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-05-03 19:45:24
Gets the {...} . GetPathPoint (stem [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-05-03 19:45:13
Gets the {...} . count = GetPathPoints (stemlist [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:08 last comment:2006-05-03 19:45:02
GETPATH Object Queries Gets coordinates and information for a path. getpath [POSITION stem] [ROTATION stem] [ABOUT stem] [CONSTRAIN string] [PRINT string] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | OBJECTID number] POSITION/a Gets the coordinates. ROTATION/a Gets the rotation. ABOUT/a Gets the rotation point. CONSTRAIN/s Gets the proportional...
updated:2006-05-03 19:44:50
Sets the {...} . SetPath ([NAME name][DESC desc] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-05-03 19:43:32
Draws the {...} . objectid = DrawSpiral (x1 y1 ROUNDS n SPACING dist STARTANGLE angle [FRAMELESS | FRAMED] [CONTENTOFFSET x y] [CONTENTSCALE x y] [CONTENTROTATE rotation | CONTENTSKEW slant twist] [ROTATE rotation | SKEW slant twist | SLANT slant | TWIST twist] [INFRONT | INBACK] [CONSTRAIN | FREE] [PRINT | NOPRINT] [ABOUT x y | ABOUTCENTER] [PAGE...
updated:2006-05-03 19:42:30
End the {...} . EndLockCapture ([DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-05-03 19:33:58
Start the {...} . BeginLockCapture ([DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-05-03 19:33:28
Selects the {...} . SelectCell ([NEXT | PREVIOUS | UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid] [CELLINDEX x y]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
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