Results 1071 - 1080 of 1633.
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:52 last comment:2006-05-04 13:17:47
SAVEFONTPREFS AmigaOnly This saves the current font paths added in the Font Preferences dialog box. savefontprefs FILE/s The filename and path of the fontprefs file to save. DEFAULT Saves to PageStream n .fontprefs depending on the version of PageStream. Examples: savefontprefs file 'NewsletterFonts.fontprefs' savefontprefs...
updated:2006-03-30 15:18:38 last comment:2006-05-03 20:35:18
LOADFONTPREFS AmigaOnly This loads a font prefs file and replaces the font paths in the Font Preferences dialog box. loadfontprefs FILE/s The filename and path of the fontprefs file to load. DEFAULT Loads the PageStream n .fontprefs file based on the version of PageStream. Examples: loadfontprefs file 'NewsletterFonts.fontprefs' ...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:52 last comment:2006-05-03 20:35:08
SAVEPRINTPREFS System Commands This saves the current print settings in the Printing Preferences dialog box. saveprintprefs FILE/s The filename and path of the preferences file to which to save. DEFAULT Saves to the PageStream Preferences file. Notes: You can save printing preferences to a preferences file containing other...
updated:2006-03-30 15:20:13 last comment:2006-05-03 20:34:57
LOADPRINTPREFS System Commands This loads the printing preferences from a saved settings file. loadprintprefs FILE/s The filename and path of the preferences file from which to load. DEFAULT Loads from the PageStream Preferences file. Notes: You can load printing preferences from a preferences file that contains more than just...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:56 last comment:2006-05-03 20:34:20
SETMEASUREMENTS System Commands Set the default measurement system units. setmeasurements [COORDINATE horz vert] [TEXT units] [RELATIVE units] [FROM ] [SAVE] COORDINATE/k The measurement system units. Options: INCHES | CENTIMETERS | MILLIMETERS | PICAS | POINTS | PRINTERPICAS | PRINTERPOINTS | CICEROS | DIDOTPOINTS | FEET | METERS |...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:55 last comment:2006-05-03 20:34:05
SETDUPLICATEDEFAULTS System Commands Set the default duplicate offset. setduplicatedefaults [SAVE] offsetx/d The horizontal offset. offsety/d The vertical offset. SAVE Saves to the PageStream3 Preferences file. Examples: setduplicatedefaults 0.25 0.25 save ...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:56 last comment:2006-05-03 20:33:08
SETNUDGEDEFAULTS System Commands Set the default nudge amount. setnudgedefaults [SAVE] nudge/d The amount to nudge objects. SAVE Saves to the PageStream3 Preferences file. Notes: Nudge is unsigned because the NUDGE command determines the nudge direction. Examples: setnudgedefaults 0.125 save ...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:54 last comment:2006-05-03 20:32:40
SETDOUBLECLICK Object Commands Set the action to be performed when an object is double clicked. setdoubleclick [OFF | MACRO name | REQUESTER name] [SAVE] OFF Sets to no action. MACRO Sets to any internal PageStream script. REQUESTER/k Sets to a command. Options: LINEFILL | RUNAROUND | DUPLICATE | TRANSFORM | ROTATE | MOVE | ALIGN...
updated:2006-05-03 20:32:15
Gets the {...} . SetLiveUpdate ([SCROLL <ON|OFF|TOGGLE> ] [DRAG <ON|OFF|TOGGLE> ] [SAVE]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:58 last comment:2006-05-03 20:31:35
SETSMART System Commands Changes the smart typing status. setsmart [SINGLEQUOTES status] [DOUBLEQUOTES status] [DASHES status] [BULLETS status] [SAVE] SINGLEQUOTES Toggles smart single quotes. DOUBLEQUOTES Toggles smart double quotes. DASHES Toggles smart dashes. BULLETS Toggles on or off smart bullets. status/k Toggles the...
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