Results 1021 - 1030 of 1633.
updated:2006-05-04 15:08:39
Sets the {...} . SetDocumentAuthor (newdocumentauthor [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:06 last comment:2006-05-04 15:08:23
GETDOCUMENTDESC Document Queries Gets the description of a document. getdocumentdesc [DOCUMENT name] DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. Results: The description is returned to RESULT. Examples: getdocumentdesc document 'Project.doc'
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:54 last comment:2006-05-04 15:08:08
SETDOCUMENTDESC Document Commands Sets the description of an open document. setdocumentdesc [DOCUMENT name] text/s The document description. DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. Examples: setdocumentdescription 'Lesson 3 exam'
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:54 last comment:2006-05-04 15:07:43
SETDOCUMENTNAME Document Commands Changes the name of an open document. setdocumentname [DOCUMENT name] name/s The new name of the document. DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. Examples: setdocumentname 'Project.doc' document 'Untitled 1'
updated:2006-03-30 17:46:00 last comment:2006-05-04 15:06:26
PRINTDOCUMENT File Commands Prints the current document. printdocument [SIDES which] [SCALE ] [COPIES number] [PICTURES toggle] [DRAWINGS toggle] [COLLATE toggle] [REVERSEORDER toggle] [PRINTBLANK toggle] [MIRROR toggle] [PRINTERMARKS toggle] [NEGATIVE toggle] [THUMBNAILS status] [TILING...
updated:2006-05-04 15:05:57
updated:2006-05-04 15:05:33
Gets the {...} . SetNavigatorDefaults ([SIZE width height] [SAVE]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-03-31 10:53:01 last comment:2006-05-04 15:05:25
SETWINDOWDEFAULTS System Commands Sets the size and position of the default document window. setwindowdefaults [AT x y] [SIZE width height] [SAVE] AT/i Sets the window position in pixels. SIZE/i Sets the window size in pixels. SAVE Saves to the PageStream3 Preferences file. Notes: If the AT pointy coordinate is set to -1, the...
updated:2006-03-30 17:46:00 last comment:2006-05-04 15:01:06
PAGEPALETTE System Commands Displays the page palette. pagepalette [status] [AT pointx pointy] [SIZE width height] [COLLAPSED state] [SAVE] status/k The palette's display status. Options: SHOW | HIDE | TOGGLE. AT/i The palette position in pixels. SIZE/i The palette size in pixels. COLLAPSED/k The collapsed state of the...
updated:2006-03-31 10:52:52 last comment:2006-05-04 13:46:04
SCRIPTPALETTE System Commands Displays the Script palette. scriptpalette [status] [AT pointx pointy] [SIZE width height] [COLLAPSED state] [SAVE] status/k The palette's display status. Options: SHOW | HIDE |T OGGLE. AT/i The palette position in pixels. SIZE/i The palette size in pixels. COLLAPSED/k The collapsed state of the...
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