The General Panel

- ''3D Interface'': Check to make all BME's dialog boxes display as grayscale instead of black and white. (MacOS only)
- ''Underscore Shortcuts'': Check to underscore shortcut letters in BME's dialog boxes. (MacOS only)
- ''Show All Files in File Selector'': Check to display all files, not just valid files, in the file selector.
- ''Undo'': Check to enable the ''Undo'' system.
- ''Levels'': Enter the number of undo levels permitted. A value between 2 and 5 is sufficient most of the time.
- ''Use Virtual Memory'': Check to use virtual memory for pictures. This will allow you to load huge pictures into BME, but will slow down program operation.
- ''AutoBackup'': Select to have BME keep a backup copy each time you save your documents. The title of each backup copy has the original file's name, the suffix .bak and the backup number. For example, a picture named Picture would have backup copies named Picture.bak1, Picture.bak2, etc. Backup copies are stored in the directory path set in the associated ''Path'' text box. The file with the .bak1 extension is the most recent.
- ''Keep'': Enter the number of backup copies to keep. When a backup copy is made that exceeds the number of copies to keep, the oldest backup copy will be erased. If you specified three backups, the oldest one will be numbered filename.bak3 and the most recent filename.bak1.
- ''Smart Map'': Check to enhance picture quality in low color depth screens. This option will not affect the internal data of a picture. It is not required for high and true color screens. (Amiga only)
The General Panel Section url:BMEuser/settings#anchor140321
created:2006-04-19 14:48:08 last updated:2006-09-19 15:17:36
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