Non-PostScript Printers

Printers that are not PostScript compatible are generally referred to as non-PostScript printers. On WindowsOS and MacOS computers, PageStream uses the normal OS printer drivers and works in the same manner as other programs.

On AmigaOS computers, PageStream can print through AmigaOS Preferences or with its own custom drivers for some popular printers. If you choose to print through Preferences, you must have an AmigaOS Preferences driver for your printer. If PageStream has a custom driver for your printer, you should use it instead of the lower-quality Preferences drivers. If your printer is not supported by a custom driver, or if you want more control over your printer, SoftLogik recommends Studio II, a commercial printer driver replacement system available from most dealers. Studio II includes a PageStream printer driver link.

PageStream offers custom drivers for popular printer models because its custom drivers generally print faster and better than the Amiga's Preferences drivers. Custom drivers are provided only for a few types of printers, so you may need to use the Amiga's Preferences printer driver system in order to print to your printer.

PageStream's custom AmigaOS printer drivers are:

Note that the printer drivers are named for their emulation standard, not brand name. You should not necessarily use the driver matching your brand name. For example, the Epson Action Laser 1500 is actually a Hewlett-Packard PCL compatible printer, so it should be used with the Hewlett-Packard driver. Only fonts stored in the computer can be used on non-PostScript printers.


Non-PostScript Printers  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/types#anchor774707
  created:2006-04-18 09:24:53   last updated:2006-08-11 20:40:20
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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