Changing the rulers

The rulers normally display the horizontal and vertical measurement systems, but you can override the ruler defaults in a window.

To set the rulers' measurement systems: Choose ''Set Rulers'' from the ''Layout'' menu to display the ''Set Rulers'' dialog box. If you want to use the default measurement systems, select ''Same As Measurement System'' from the horizontal and vertical pop-up menus. Otherwise select their measurement systems. Click ''OK''.

You can override the measurement system when entering a number in a text box by adding an abbreviation. PageStream shows values with an abbreviation so that you know which measurement system is in use.

To override the measurement system in a text box: Enter the number with its measurement system abbreviation.

SectionSetting the zero point
The zero point is the intersection of the origins of the horizontal and vertical rulers. The zero point defaults to the top left corner of the page. You can move the zero point to measure distances from any point on your page.

You can set the ruler zero point visually by dragging out from the ruler origin while holding down the Control key.

Click on the ruler origin while holding down the Control key to reset the zero point to the top left corner of the page or spread .

Alternatively, choose ''Set Rulers'' from the ''Layout'' menu to display the ''Set Rulers'' dialog box. Enter the zero point offset from the top left corner of the page or spread. Click ''OK''.

WarningDo not forget to hold down the Control key before dragging out from the ruler origin. If you don't, you will create one or two page guides instead of moving the zero point. Dragging out guides visually.

SectionMoving the rulers
The rulers are positioned at the top left corner of the window by default. You can move the rulers to place them in a different corner or near objects you wish to measure visually.

You can set the ruler offset visually by Shift dragging out from the ruler origin.

Shift click on the ruler origin to return the ruler to the top left corner of the window.

Alternatively, choose ''Set Rulers'' from the ''Layout'' menu. Enter an offset in pixels for the rulers from the top left corner of the window. Click ''OK''.


Changing the rulers  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/rulers#anchor865941
  created:2006-04-14 15:39:41   last updated:2019-12-19 20:08:41
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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