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Page Numbers in Chapters
PageStream offers complete control over page numbering in complex documents. You can:
- Number pages and chapters consecutively throughout a document.
- Restart page and chapter numbering at the start of each chapter.
- Set whether the first page of a chapter will begin on an even or odd page.
- Define the length of a chapter to include blank pages.
- Vary page numbering formats in chapters, and even on pages.
PageStream offers four page numbering systems:These options can be selected from the ''Page Numbering'' pop-up menu in the ''Document Setup'' and ''Chapter Setup'' dialog boxes. Use ''Document Setup'' to set the page numbering for the entire document. Use ''Chapter Setup'' to set the page numbering options for a specific chapter.
- Automatic: Pages are numbered consecutively throughout a document.
- Start on Next Odd Page: The document and/or chapters start on odd pages.
- Start on Next Even Page: The document and/or chapters start on even pages.
- Manual: The document and/or chapters start on a specified page number.
Automatic page numbering: This pagination system is the simplest, because pages are numbered from first to last. Use this when you don't care on which side a new chapter starts.
Start on next even page: This pagination system starts each chapter on the next available even page. Use this when you want the first page in a chapter to be on the left side.
Start on next odd page: This pagination system starts each chapter on the next available odd page. Use this when you want the first page in a chapter to be on the right side.
Manual: This pagination system starts each chapter on a specified page. If you enter page number one for example, each chapter will start on page one unless you change the starting page for that chapter. Use this when you want each chapter to be numbered independently. (Ex: page 1.1, page 1.2)
Mixed: The pagination can be independently set on each chapter. For example, if the first chapter is set to manual page numbering and document and all others at start at next odd page.
PageStream offers two chapter length options:These options can be selected from the ''Page Addition'' pop-up menu in the ''Document Setup'' and ''Chapter Setup'' dialog boxes. Use ''Document Setup'' to set the page numbering for the entire document. Use ''Chapter Setup'' to set the page numbering options for a specific chapter.
- Automatic: Chapters are of variable length. The length is equal to the number of pages used in each chapter. This is the default system. The previous illustrations showed chapters of automatic length.
- Manual: Chapters have a fixed length. The length is independent of the number of pages used in the chapters.
The ''Blank Master Page'' pop-up menu allows you to specify which master page should be used for pages at the end of the document or chapter which do not have objects on them. This option can be used with manual page addition and with automatic addition when a blank page is left by the page numbering system. This option is often used in technical publications to create This page intentionally left blank messages.
Manual: This system is used when you need to leave blank pages in your document. If there are objects on five pages in a document or chapter, and you fix the length to 8 pages, three additional pages will be added to the end of the chapter. If there are objects on 10 pages and you fix the length at 8 pages, the pages will not be deleted, but they will not be printed.
This example shows a document with the length of the document and of each chapter fixed at 6 pages. You would normally specify this option independently for each chapter when you need to leave space for a known number of pages.
Page Numbers in Chapters Sub-Section url:PGSuser/pagination#anchor984962
created:2006-04-14 15:14:35 last updated:2006-07-06 14:20:46
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