The Type Panel

SectionSmart Dashes
Select to enable dash conversion. When this option is on, two dashes typed successively will be converted to an en dash, and three dashes will be converted to an em dash.
Regular Dash
En Dash
Em Dash

SectionSmart Bullets
Select to enable conversion to bullets. When this option is on, typing an asterisk will enter a bullet. Type two asterisks consecutively to enter a true asterisk when this option is selected.

SectionSmart Single Quotes
Select to enable conversion of single typewriter quotation marks to single typographic quotation marks. The first quotation mark typed will be an open quotation mark, and the next typed will be a close quotation mark. Also, if this option is checked, straight apostrophes will be converted to curly apostrophes.
Single Typewriter Quotation Mark
Single Typographic Quotation Marks

SectionSmart Double Quotes
Select to enable conversion of double typewriter quotation marks to double typographic quotation marks. The first quotation mark typed will be an open quotation mark, and the next one typed will be a close quotation mark. The double typographic quotation marks inserted in PageStream depend on the language selected in the character attributes.
Double Typewriter Quotation Mark
Double Typographic Quotation Marks

Choose the character set from the ''CharSet'' pop-up menu to be used for conversion from system character set to PageStream's Unicode character set. This translation table is used when typing and displaying text, batch adding and exporting words from the spelling and hyphenation dictionaries, is the default when import/exporting ASCII text and more. For more details on character sets see the Character Sets appendix.

Click the ''Edit'' button in the ''Attributes'' group to set the default text attributes used when initially creating a text frame, frameless text object or table cell. The most important attributes most commonly set are the default Language (used for spell checking, smart typographic quotation marks, hyphenation, and page, date and time variables), Font and Size; but all default text attributes can be modified.


The Type Panel  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/customizing#typepanel
  created:2006-04-14 10:37:55   last updated:2019-12-19 20:39:56
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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