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SetColorCount Color Command
Sets the number of colors for the fill or stroke of an object or text, or for a style tag. If object or text is chosen and nothing is selected, it sets the number of colors for future objects or text, as applicable.
Basic fills have one color, while gradient, radial and shape fills have two colors. This command is necessary because future versions may support more than two colors.
count/i The number of colors. Default=1.
ALL Sets the fill and stroke. Default.
FILL Sets the fill only.
STROKENUMBER/i Sets a stroke only. See notes.
COLORNUMBER Sets a gradient's TO color.
what/k Specifies what to set.
Options: OBJECT The object. Default.
TEXT The text.
SHADOW The text shadow.
REVERSE The text reverse.
UNDERLINE The text underline.
OUTLINE The text outline.
DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current.
WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current.
OBJECTID/i The number of the object to manipulate. Default=current.
STYLETAG/s Sets the attribute for a style tag.
Use the SETFILL command to set the fill type to gradient, radial or shape, then use this command to set the color count to 2. If you set the fill to basic, then set the color count to 1.
If Basic fills are used, or if you are setting stroke color, the color number is always 0 and does not need to be specified. This is used for gradient, radial and shape fills. Color number 0 is the From color and 1 is the To color.
STROKENUMBER: Strokes are numbered from 0. This is different than the program interface which numbers them from 1.
setcolorcount 2 setcolorcount 1 strokenumber 1 object
SetColorCount Command Definition url:PGScmd/setcolorcount
created:2006-03-31 10:52:54 last updated:2006-03-31 10:52:54
Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.
User Contributed Comments For SetColorCount | sign in to add a comment |
Dan Kilroy wrote... | 2006-05-03 17:55:27 |
Script command submitted from PageStream internal documentation. Needs to be checked and merged with the command documentation above. Sets the {...} . SetColorCount (count [ALL | FILL | STROKENUMBER n] [OBJECT | TEXT | SHADOW | OUTLINE | REVERSE | UNDERLINE | PGS40:RULEABOVE | RULEBELOW] PGS41:CELLFILL|CELLTOP|CELLBOTTOM|CELLLEFT|CELLRIGHT PGS50: DROPCAP|BULLET|NUMBERED [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | ID id | STYLETAG document:...-tagname])
ARexx: Applescript: | |
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