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InsertDate Text Command
INSERTDATE Text Commands
Inserts a date variable at the insertion point.
date/k The date to insert. All options except current and created are updated when applicable.
Options: CURRENT Current date. Default.
CREATED Creation date.
MODIFIED Modification date.
SAVED Saved date.
LOADED Loaded date.
PRINTED Printed date.
DOCUMENTREVISION Document log entry date.
CHAPTERREVISION Chapter log entry date.
PAGEREVISION Page log entry date.
ARTICLEREVISION Article log entry date.
FORMAT/s The date format. See below.
LANGUAGE/k The language of the date variable.
Options: DEFAULT Document/chapter default.
AMERICAN American English.
ENGLISH International English.
DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current.
WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current.
The FORMAT string contains the order, length and separators for the date.
/ Separate with a slash.
- Separate with a hyphen.
, Separate with a comma.
Separate with a space.
\ One character following a backslash or text inside double " " quotation marks will appear as is.
The capitalization of the format string determines the capitalization of the date, if applicable.
y Last 2 digits of the year. 94, 95, 9
yy Same as y
yyy All 4 digits of the year. 1994, 199
yyyy Same as yyy
m Month number, no leading zero. 1, 6, 7, 1
mm Month number, leading zero. 01, 06, 07, 10
mmm 3 letter abbreviated month. jan, ju
mmmm 3-4 letter abbreviated month. jan, jun
mmmmm Full name of the month. january, jun
d Day number, no leading zero. 1, 2, 1
dd Day number, leading zero. 01, 02, 1
dddd Ordinal day number. 1st, 2nd, 12t
w Week day number. 1, 2,
ww 1-2 letter abbreviated week day. su, m, t
www 3 letter abbreviated week day. sun, mon, tu
wwww Full day of the week. sunday, monday
Format Examples:
y-m-d 94-12-19, 1-2-
mm/dd/yy 12/19/94, 02/03/0
d/mm/yyyy 19/12/1994, 3/02/200
Mmm d, yyyy Dec 19, 1994, Feb 3, 200
Wwww "the" ddd Monday the 19th, Saturday the 3rd
insertdate current format 'Wwww "the" ddd' insertdate saved format 'Wwww' language 'francais' insertdate printed format 'd/Mmm/yyy' insertdate current document 'project.doc'
InsertDate Command Definition url:PGScmd/insertdate
created:2006-03-30 14:58:59 last updated:2006-03-30 14:58:59
Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.
User Contributed Comments For InsertDate | sign in to add a comment |
Dan Kilroy wrote... | 2006-05-04 16:56:20 |
Script command submitted from PageStream internal documentation. Needs to be checked and merged with the command documentation above. Gets the {...} . InsertDate ([CURRENT|CREATED|MODIFIED|SAVED|LOADED|PRINTED| DOCUMENTREVISION|CHAPTERREVISION|PAGEREVISION|ARTICLEREVISION|CUSTOM year month day] [FORMAT format] [LANGUAGE <DEFAULT | language>] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document~window])
ARexx: Applescript: | |
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