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EditPicture Drawing Command
EDITPICTURE Object Commands
Sets the coordinates and options of a picture frame.
editpicture [POSITION left top right bottom [SCALECONTENT]]
[CONTENTOFFSET offsetx offsety] [CONTENTSCALE scalex scaley] [ROTATE
angle | SKEW slantangle twistangle | SLANT angle | TWIST angle]
[ABOUT pointx pointy | ABOUTCENTER] [constraint] [printable] [DPI
xdpi ydpi] [frame] [stored] [FILE filepath] [DOCUMENT name/S |
WINDOW name/S | OBJECTID number/I]
xdpi ydpi}]
POSITION/d The coordinates of the object.
SCALECONTENT/k Scales the contents with the frame.
CONTENTOFFSET/d The offset in the frame.
CONTENTSCALE/d The scale of the object in the frame.
ROTATE/d The rotation angle.
SKEW/d The slant and twist angle.
SLANT/d The slant angle.
TWIST/d The twist angle.
ABOUT/d The rotation point.
ABOUTCENTER Rotates around its center.
constraint/k The aspect ratio constraint toggle.
Options: CONSTRAIN|FREE (default). printable/k The print object toggle.
Options: PRINT (default)|NOPRINT. frame/k Specifies whether the object is framed.
Options: FRAMED|FRAMELESS. stored/k Specifies if the object is internal.
Options: EXTERNAL|INTERNAL (default).
FILE/s The filepath and name of the image.
DPI/i The resolution of the picture.
DOCUMENT/s The document name.
WINDOW/s The window name.
OBJECTID/i The number of the object to edit.
All options default to the current values if not specified.
editpicture internal editpicture contentoffset -0.5 -9.25 ยจ contentscale 225 200
EditPicture Command Definition url:PGScmd/editpicture
created:2006-03-30 14:03:53 last updated:2006-03-30 14:03:53
Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.
User Contributed Comments For EditPicture | sign in to add a comment |
Dan Kilroy wrote... | 2006-05-03 20:15:48 |
Script command submitted from PageStream internal documentation. Needs to be checked and merged with the command documentation above. Gets the {...} . EditPicture ([POSITION left top right bottom [SCALECONTENT][ADJUST]] [DPI xdpi ydpi] [INTERNAL | EXTERNAL] [FILE file] PGS40: [FPO {DEFAULT|FINE|MEDIUM|COARSE|CUSTOM xdpi ydpi}] [FRAMELESS | FRAMED] [CONTENTOFFSET x y] [CONTENTSCALE x y] [CONTENTROTATE rotation | CONTENTSKEW slant twist] [ROTATE rotation | SKEW slant twist | SLANT slant | TWIST twist] [ABOUT x y | ABOUTCENTER] [CONSTRAIN | FREE] [PRINT | NOPRINT] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW document-window | OBJECTID objectid])
ARexx: Applescript: | |
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