
If you make a mistake, or you apply an effect and want to try it again with different values, you can use BME's ''Undo'' command to reverse your actions. BME can undo as many events as memory permits, and you can redo something you have undone.

BME allows you to undo everything except:

You can even undo executing an internal script, painting, selecting, and moving selection areas.

To undo an action: Choose the ''Undo'' command from the ''Edit'' menu or click the ''Undo'' toolbar button. Repeat to undo the action before that, etc.

To redo an action: Choose the ''Redo'' command from the ''Edit'' menu or click the ''Redo'' toolbar button. Repeat the redo the last action undone before that, etc.

You can limit the number of levels of undo to conserve memory. Each action you make is saved to a buffer, which consumes memory you could otherwise use to open additional pictures or work in other programs. The number of undo levels sets how many actions are saved in the ''Undo'' buffer. The amount of memory each levels performs depends on the actions you perform. You can also turn ''Undo'' off to prevent it from using any memory.

To set the number of undo levels: Choose the ''Preferences'' command in the ''File'' menu and click on the ''General'' tab if it is not already selected. Toggle on ''Undo'' and enter the number of levels of undo. A value between 2 and 5 is sufficient for most uses.


Undo  Chapter  url:BMEuser/undo
  created:2006-03-10 16:50:13   last updated:2006-08-18 17:30:43
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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