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AppendStyleTags Style Command
This loads a style tag file and appends its styles to a document's style tag list.
appendstyletags <FILE filepath | ASK> [type] [progress] [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name | CHAPTER name]
FILE/s The filename and path of the styles file to load.
ASK Opens a file selector to select the file to load.
ALL Appends all styles in the file. Default.
type/k The type of styles to append.
Options: ALL|TEXT|PARAGRAPH|CHARACTER|OBJECT|COLOR. progress/k Toggle to display a progress meter.Options: STATUS|NOSTATUS (DEFAULT).
DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current.
WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current.
CHAPTER/s The document/chapter name. Default=current.
Styles are stored in IFF CTAG format, which is a subset of the IFF DOC format. You can load styles out of IFF DOC, IFF CTXT, IFF ILUS and IFF CTAG files.
Colors are stored as color style tags, so colors may be appended to the color palette with this command.
AppendStyleTags Command Definition url:PGScmd/appendstyletags
created:2006-03-29 17:47:08 last updated:2006-08-18 11:08:02
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User Contributed Comments For AppendStyleTags | sign in to add a comment |
Dan Kilroy wrote... | 2006-05-04 16:49:24 |
Script command submitted from PageStream internal documentation. Needs to be checked and merged with the command documentation above. Gets the {...} . AppendStyleTags ([ASK | FILE "file"] [ALL | TEXT | PARAGRAPH | CHARACTER | OBJECT | COLOR] [STATUS | NOSTATUS] [DOCUMENT document | CHAPTER document:... | WINDOW document-window]) Parameters:
ARexx: Applescript: | |
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