DMCA Copyright Claims

Our websites are a collection of years of knowledge and hard work. Where appropriate, we invite others to share their views, and photos, as well.

However, not all users are aware of copyright laws. While the majority of the photos on this site are ours, not all are. If your copyright-protected work was posted here without authorization, you can submit a copyright take-down request. Submitting a take-down request will start a legal process.

Before you submit a take-down request, you should know:

You need to consider whether fair use, fair dealing, or a similar exception to copyright law applies. If an exception applies, then the take-down request you submit would be invalid.

We will notify the uploader of the content, and will remove the content from our web site.

The copyright owner name you submit will become part of the record of your request.

Your full legal name is required to complete a take-down request. It may be shared with the uploader of the content removed for copyright infringement.

The primary email address from your take-down request is shared with the uploader of the content removed for copyright infringement. The uploader might get in touch with you to resolve their copyright issue.

Your physical address and phone number will remain confidential unless requested as part of a lawsuit. If we are required to share any information, we will make reasonable effort to notify you before doing so.

Simply email us your take-down request to our DMCA Agent listed below. Include:

1) The item or items your wish removed. Include the full url where it can be found on our website and a copy of the image. Remember, that not all copyrighted content is eligible for removal. Some content is protected by fair use and similar laws.

2) Full legal name of the copyright owner.

3) Full mailing address of the copyright owner.

4) Email address of the copyright owner.

3) Phone number of the copyright owner.

By submitting your claim, you attest:

You in good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
The information in this notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, you are the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
You understand that abuse of this tool, such as submitting removal requests for content you do not own, may result in termination of your account and/or legal actions by us and/or the original poster.

Registered DMCA Agent:
Deron Kazmaier
15706 Grasshopper Ranch Trail
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
email: deron@ this domain


DMCA Copyright Claims  Chapter  url:
  created:2021-06-01 12:22:56   last updated:2021-06-01 12:28:22
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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