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SL_GetAppAttr System Query Command
SL_GetAppAttr -- returns information about the application.
data = SL_GetAppAttr(apphandle, attr);
D0 A0 D1
Returns the requested attribute of the application.
apphandle - APPHANDLE as returned by SL_AppInit.
attr - one of the APPATTR_xxxx tags.
APPATTR_Name (SLCHAR *) - The name of the application.
APPATTR_Author (SLCHAR *) - The author of the application.
APPATTR_Version (SLCHAR *) - The version string of the application.
APPATTR_Copyright (SLCHAR *) - The applications copyright notice.
APPATTR_Date (SLCHAR *) - The date of the application.
APPATTR_ScreenWidth (ULONG) - The width in pixels of the screen the
application is running on.
APPATTR_ScreenHeight (ULONG) - The height in pixels of the screen the
application is running on.
APPATTR_ScreenDepth (ULONG) - The depth of the screen the application
is running on (bits per pixel).
APPATTR_ScreenType (ULONG) - This is either SCREENTYPE_PALETTE or
APPATTR_ScreenName (SLCHAR *) - The name of the screen the app is running on.
(Amiga specific).
APPATTR_ScreenPublic (SLFLAG) - TRUE if the app is running on a public screen.
(Amiga specific).
APPATTR_UserData (SLTAGDATA) - The UserData for the apphandle.
APPATTR_Xdpi (ULONG) - The horizontal dpi of the screen the application
is running on.
APPATTR_Ydpi (ULONG) - The horizontal dpi of the screen the application
is running on.
APPATTR_Recording (SLFLAG) - When TRUE, the application is recording
macro events. When FALSE it is not recording.
APPATTR_RulerWidth (ULONG) - This is the width of the vertical ruler.
APPATTR_RulerHeight (ULONG) - This is the height of the horizontal
APPATTR_ErrorNumber (ULONG) -
APPATTR_ErrorLevel (ULONG) -
APPATTR_ErrorString (SLCHAR *) -
APPATTR_RulerTicWidth (ULONG) - This is the width of a tic on the
horizontal ruler.
APPATTR_RulerTicHeight (ULONG) - This is the height of a tic on the
vertical ruler.
data - the requested attributed.
SL_SetAppAttrA, SL_AppInitA.
SL_GetAppAttr Command Definition url:SL_GetAppAttr
created:2008-03-01 23:36:11 last updated:2008-03-02 15:36:06
Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.
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