Language Support

The first step in supporting a local language is the creation of a language module for that language. PageStream supports a number of localized document functions which is controlled by the active language for the text using one of those functions.

Currently those functions are:

The creation of a language module requires code to be written by us based on a text file created by a customer. The text file contains instructions, questions, and the answers. All of the existing text files are contained below so they can be used as an example to follow for a new language, and for the updating of the existing language modules. However, it is advised that the creation of a new language start with the American text file as its basis. When the text file is completed for a new language, email it to and we will create and compile a new language module to be distributed to all customers!

american.txt - American language text
dansk.txt - Danish language text (needs update)
deutsch.txt - German language text (needs update)
francais.txt - French language text (needs update)
magyar.txt - Hungarian language text (needs update)
nederlands.txt - Dutch language text (needs update)
norsk.txt - Norwegian language text (needs update)
polski.txt - Polish language text
srpski.txt - Serbian language text (needs update)

The addition of spelling and hyphenation requires a list of words that are spelled and/or divided. Just send the words in a compressed ascii text file to along with the ascii character set standard used (Amiga/ISO Latin1, Macintosh, Windows, etc). Using the built-in word list adding capabilities of PageStream, it is possible for the user to create their own dictionary. That can also be emailed to us for distribution to others. The creation of rule based hyphenation is also possible if rules are provided to us.


Language Support  Table of Contents  url:SLdev/language
  created:2006-08-30 12:08:16   last updated:2008-03-02 11:42:10
  Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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