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PageStream Reviewer Quotes

"An Amiga killer DTP application at last!" 90% CU Amiga Magazine SuperStar Award.

"PageStream 3.0c is destined to be a huge success." "The new PageStream should be the best DTP program ever developed for the Amiga." Amiga World

"The most accessible Amiga DTP package ever, despite its power and huge feature list." Amiga Format

87%, Amiga Shopper

"A knockout program." Personal Publishing

"PageStream is a GREAT publishing program... become a desktop media mogul." VideoToasterUser

"PageStream deserves to become an institution through being the very best Amiga desktop publisher." "PageStream is the heavyweight champion." Amiga User International

"a jewel of a program." Amazing Computing

"PageStream is a solid workhorse, chock-full of features." .info

Winner of AmigaWorld's Experts' Choice Award for best DTP program.

Three time winner of Amazing Amiga's Users' Choice Award for best DTP program.

PageStream Fan Mail

"I was introduced to PageStream by Mr Mike Kelley...several months ago, and am fascinated by the facilities it provides. My staff has used it very successfully; this letterhead is an example of its capabilities. Recently we let the local agents for Amiga have their first view of PageStream in our office. They were also impressed by its performance, and have ordered it for their clients. We intend shortly to buy a color printer and look forward to viewing PageStream in glorious Technicolor!" Dr. Arthur C Clarke, CBE (1991)

"On behalf of Solid State Devices, Inc, I would like to commend you and your company for doing an outstanding job in assisting us with software and hardware related questions. Your professionalism and vast knowledge in the publishing field has assisted us in preparing large proposals to the military and space industry. One such proposal amounted to a 7 million dolor contract on the Space Station Freedom program." Manuel L.

"I just want to let you know how much I love PageStream 3. I've used every DTP package on every platform, and yours is my favorite." Steven K.

"Installed 3.2 yesterday and spent some time last night playing with it. I am truly impressed and pleased... Thanks to you and Deron and everybody else for hanging in there and creating such a super program!" Judy R.

"I'm happy to report once again that PageStream not only gives us all the necessary and useful tools to get those demanding jobs done, but it does so with finesse -- you completely forget the interface while you work, and that's what is supposed to happen." Mario G.

"I just got 3.2. Although I have been critical of <PageStream> in the past, now I must offer most sincere accolades. This program isn't just good, it is terrific. I applaud everyone who has been involved in this project; the program is fast, intuitive, smart, fresh, and above all, fun. No doubt a reflection on the fine staff at SL. Congratulations on turning out a real winner." J.H.

"Ok, you guys are awesome, the program is fantastic, it hasn't crashed on me yet, I lvoe you and want to marry you and have your baby!" "Keep up the good work!" Matt P.

"Now, Quark is widely regarded as the best publishing program on any platform. And it was a joy to use it. But on more than one occasion I found myself hunting for features that Pagestream has had since version 2. And I still haven't found them in Quark. I kept saying to myself, 'This is the best publishing program in the world?' I couldn't believe it. I've heard so much, but never really worked with the program. I guess I just expected more... after an intense session with Quark, I can honestly stand up and say that Pagestream is a much better program. In fact, Pagestream 3 is the best publishing program I've ever used. Going one step further, I'd venture to say that Pagestream 3 is the best publishing program on any platform... As I was working with Quark and as I realized just how wonderful Pagestream was, and how simple it was to produce terrific documents in very little time, I began to get excited. I have been to the web page, and when I read the account of Pagestream being a 'World-Class Program' I shook my head and wrote it off as marketing hype. Not now. Pagestream is geared to be the best desktop publishing program available, even after more than two years in development... You've produced a serious work of art. Don't be afraid to show it off." Steve W.

"...I'm so impressed and refreshed by your continuing pursuit of excellence and of ethics that I just had to drop this note first. I hope that many more people are moved to thank you for these qualities, as well as your unswerving loyalty to your patrons and to the Amiga. It's a breath of fresh air in an attitude-polluted world." Marjorie M.

"I had PageStream 1.6. I got away from the Amiga for awhile but I just had to come back to it. I tried PageStream 2.2 and remembered why I had liked it so much, and since then I have bought 3.0. Marvelous!" T.H.


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  created:2006-08-02 20:07:20   last updated:2006-08-02 20:47:08
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