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Front Page
PageStream is a quality full featured desktop publishing/page layout program that gives you the tools you need to create the designs you desire. Everything from church newsletters to company perspectives, multi-volume product documentation to invitations for your family events can be created in PageStream. Full color brochures are almost as easy to create as a simple business card. [ Overview ]
A little history...
For over 20 years, we have continuously improved upon and delivered what we and our customers believe is the most innovative and cost-effective page layout program. First sold under the name Publishing Partner for the Atari ST, in 1986 Personal Publishing magazine featured it on the front cover and called it a "knockout program". Later renamed to PageStream, our gem has been released for the Amiga, Macintosh, Windows, and Linux. From the first release to today, PageStream has been the publishing application of choice for tens of thousands of people.
Features you can use today...
Like almost any other professional publishing program, PageStream can be used to set type, draw objects, and place graphics. It has extremely precise typography, professional printing, and a rich assortment of features.
PageStream differs from other page layout programs in that it has most of the drawing features of an illustration program, a powerful selection of unique features, and most importantly, an outstanding interface. Looking for innovation? With each release of our competitors, it is not unusual to find most if not all of the features are already a part of PageStream, and many will have been available in PageStream many years. [ Features ] [ Comparision ]
The verdict is...
Professionals rely on PageStream for its precise typographic controls, advanced drawing features, stunning color output, and recordable scripts. Beginners love PageStream because its easy-to-learn interface simplifies the creation of newsletters, cards and banners. A low price, frequent free updates, powerful features, and great support. What is there to not like? [ Reviews ]
"I have yet to find anything in the PC world of programs that could hold a candle to PageStream... the true workhorse of publishing software." -- JD
What's next?
We are continually updating our products and a number of features have already been added to PageStream 5.0 in response to feedback from our customers! Feedback from our users will continue to mold this version so don't be afraid to make suggestions!
You may be wondering now, if PageStream is so great, why have I not heard about it before now? If you are new to PageStream, that is certainly a valid question. After all, PageStream has been sold for longer than many folks have owned a computer. That answer is simply a result of our focus. While larger companies like Adobe and Quark choose to spend millions every year on purchasing competitors, paying for outside sales forces, buying product placement with retailers, and investing in ineffective development to compete; we choose to focus on creating the best program we can. Period. Without those outrageous expenses, we can afford to sell to fewer people at a lower price. Word of mouth is the most honest advertising at any price, just not in your face. That is who we are. If you have questions about how PageStream works and if this is a program for you, we encourage you to not only read the documentation available here and take the demo version for a test drive, but join our support group and ask our users. People just like you, who have discovered PageStream for themselves. [ Documentation ] [ Downloads ] [ Group Lists ]
Finally convinced?
At any price PageStream is a bargain, but PageStream's low price is a steal. Retail price is a fraction of the other DTP applications at only $99, and the PageStream5.0 Professional package is only $149. But don't let our low prices fool you into thinking PageStream is low-end! PageStream4.1 customers can upgrade to 5.0 for only $40, PageStream4.1 Professional customers can upgrade to 5.0 Professional for only $40, and upgrade multiple copies for even less. Customers of prior versions of PageStream (4.0, 3.x, 2.x and 1.x) can upgrade for just $75. Other discounts exist. Check out our order page for more details on pricing. If you are new to this site, you will need to register an account first so that the proper pricing can be presented to you and your order processed as quickly as possible. [ Register ] [ Sign In ] [ Purchase ]
The Windows, Macintosh OS X and Linux versions are now available! The Amiga OS4 PPC, Amiga OS3 68k and MorphOS beta testing is under way! Any user who purchases the upgrade to the pre-final versions can participate in the final testing and will obviously receive the final version when it is available.
System RequirementsPageStream5.0 for Windows requires Windows 95 or greater, or NT 4.0 or greater up to and including Vista and Windows 7. Installation requires 60MB of hard drive space.
PageStream 5.0 for Macintosh OS X requires OS 10.4 or above, and is a Universal Binary that is compatible with both PPC and Intel Macs. Installation requires 100MB of hard drive space. PageStream4.1 for Classic 68k and PPC Macs also available.
PageStream5.0 for Linux requires any x86 or PowerPC Linux installation that includes Gnome+2.0/GTK+2.0 packages or newer. (More generally, any installation that can run a current version of Gimp.) Installation requires 50MB of hard drive space.
PageStream5.0 for Amiga68k requires at least a 68020 processor with AmigaOS 3.0 or later. It will also requires at least 60MB of hard drive space and 20mb of memory available to PageStream. We recommend a 68040 or better, 24mb of memory, and a non-interlaced display. Development is nearly complete and betas are available to all who purchase it before the final version is made available.
PageStream5.0 for AmigaPPC works on any PPC system that OS4 will run on. It also requires at least 60MB of hard drive space and 20mb of memory available to PageStream. Development is nearly complete and betas are available to all who purchase it before the final version is made available.
PageStream5.0 for MorphOS works on any PPC system that MorphOS will run on. It also requires at least 60MB of hard drive space and 20mb of memory available to PageStream. Development is nearly complete and betas are available to all who purchase it before the final version is made available.
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created:2006-08-02 20:07:20 last updated:2022-10-13 11:55:29
Copyright © 1985-2025 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.
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