
AppleScript is the MacOS scripting language. It can be used to control your MacOS computer and applications. It allows your scripts to query PageStream and to send it commands.

ARexx is the AmigaOS scripting language. It can be used to control your AmigaOS computer and applications. It allows your scripts to query PageStream and to send it commands.

Python® is a dynamic object-oriented programming language. It runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, OS/2, Amiga, Palm Handhelds, and Nokia mobile phones. Python has also been ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines. It allows your scripts to query PageStream and to send it commands. The Python home page is at where documentation can be read and executables can be downloaded and installed on your computer.

SectionInternal scripts
Internal scripts, sometimes called macros, do not rely on external scripting languages. They may use commands only; queries are reserved for external scripts because internal scripts lack variables and flow control statements.

Internal scripts should be used for simple tasks. External scripts offer more control and thus can be used for almost any task for which commands and queries exist.


Concepts  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/questions8#anchor584723
  created:2006-04-26 18:29:15   last updated:2006-08-12 21:32:22
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