Bug #232 - crash pasting carriage return into tab set
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Tim Doty
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 11:45:59
Category:Text EditingUpdated:2008-06-13 11:45:59
Summary:crash pasting carriage return into tab set
Keywords:paste tab
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When pasting text into a tab set field (that is, where you would enter the tab offset, 1.5, etc.) if the clipboard has text with a carriage return then PageStream crashes

Tim Doty wrote...2008-06-13 19:04:45

In OS X the new line appears to be converted to a space. Certainly there is no crash.

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2008-07-08 17:26:26

Parser now stops at tab/cr/lf.

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 17:26:26 -0400]

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Bug #232 - crash pasting carriage return into tab set by Tim Doty   paste tab
  created:2008-06-13 11:45:59   last updated:2008-06-13 11:45:59
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