Results 801 - 810 of 1633.
Script Commands
updated:2006-06-16 14:12:19
Commands and queries unique to a scripting language.
Books: Design tips
updated:2006-06-16 14:11:42
Collier's Rules for Desktop Design and Typography by David Collier. DeCode Design, 1991. ISBN 0-201-54416-4. A good quick reference guide. Desktop Publishing by Design by Ronnie Shushan & Dan Wright. Microsoft Press,1989. ISBN 1-55615-134-9. If you buy only one book, buy this one. Looking Good in Print by Roger C. Parker. Ventana Press Inc., 1988....
Platform Commands
updated:2006-06-16 14:10:45
Commands and queries unique to a computer platform/operating system.
Text Commands
updated:2006-06-16 14:08:53
Commands and queries used to enter and edit text and its attributes.
System Commands
updated:2006-06-16 14:04:54
Commands and queries used in system level functions?
Index of Commands
updated:2006-06-16 14:03:15
Complete PageStream Command Index
Style Commands
updated:2006-06-16 13:58:05
Commands and queries used to create and manipulate styles.
Object Commands
updated:2006-06-16 13:57:19
Commands and queries used to create and modify objects.
File Commands
updated:2006-06-16 13:56:10
Commands and queries used to open/save import/export and defined paths.
Document Commands
updated:2006-06-16 13:53:16
Commands and queries used to create and use documents, chapters, master pages and pages.
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