Results 301 - 310 of 1633.
Aquire Filters
updated:2006-08-30 12:18:29
The aquire filters to be documented here!
Developer Documentation
updated:2006-08-30 12:08:16
Documentation for creating effects, engines, filters, printer drivers and other modules for use in applications that rely on the SoftLogik library system. The SoftLogik library system is a platform independent application library that handles everything from file i/o, screens, windows, dialog, scripting, modules, fonts, printing and more....
Keep Together
updated:2006-08-30 11:43:02
To allow a paragraph to break at any line: Choose ''None'' from the ''Keep Together'' pop-up menu in the ''Paragraph Format'' dialog box in the ''Text'' menu. To disallow breaking a paragraph between columns: Choose ''Paragraph'' from the ''Keep...
Paragraph Attributes
updated:2006-08-28 17:09:41
A paragraph is a range of text followed by a paragraph return. The appearance of a paragraph is dependent on its paragraph attributes. The most common paragraph attributes are indents, tabs, alignment and leading. PageStream does not force you to apply paragraph attributes to paragraphs only; you can apply different paragraph attributes to ranges of...
updated:2006-08-28 17:03:31
Three types of graphic files are used in PageStream: bitmapped pictures, drawings and EPS illustrations. Bitmapped pictures are made up of a grid of dots of varying colors or grays. Each dot can include a transparency value, often refered to as an alpha channel, that will allow parts of the background to bleed through the picture or to mask out the white...
The Color Palette
updated:2006-08-28 16:35:04
The ''Color Palette'' lists the colors defined for the current document. The ''Color Palette'' can be used to easily apply colors to objects and text in the document. To display the ''Color Palette'' if it's not shown, choose ''Show Color Palette'' from the...
Applying Line, Fill and Color Attributes
updated:2006-08-28 16:32:39
Text and objects have line and fill attributes. Fill attributes are the color, blend, trapping and fill style inside any shape, path or character. Line attributes are the color, blend, trapping and stroke (or outline) of any shape, path or character. These attributes including color and blend can be applied to lines and fills independently. To apply line,...
Line, Fill, Color and Trapping
updated:2006-08-28 16:28:28
The ''Line & Fill'' command displays a dialog box to set object line and fill attributes. This includes the width of the line, color and blend of the line and fill, special bitmap or gradient fills, screens, trapping and more. It is identical to ''Line & Fill'' in the ''Text'' menu for text...
Insert Formula- text format testing grounds
updated:2006-08-16 15:42:17 last comment:2006-08-23 14:52:33
Lately I've put a little fun (really, a lot of fun for me) and the beginnings of a large new PageStream project in the next 5.0 Pro. In the ''Insert'' submenu of the ''Type'' menu, I have added an ''Insert Formula'' menu item. At this time it is a test bed for not only the formula processing...
updated:2006-08-19 17:46:34
Undoes the last cut, erase or paste action. undo (no parameters) Examples: ARexx: undo
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