Results 201 - 210 of 1633.
Reporting Bugs
updated:2007-08-09 00:32:31
Improving PageStream requires feedback on problems encountered in the program as well as suggesting new features. This feedback is tracked in an online database that allows a user to report problems and submit enhancement requests and then track and comment on them as needed.
Posting Comments
updated:2007-08-09 00:30:00
At this time, the only place that users can post comments is on the pages of the documentation. At a later date a user forum section will be opened and it is expected that it will use the same methods for stylizing your text. The text you enter is predominately straight ascii. However, you may use special codes much like HTML codes, but commonly refered to...
updated:2006-03-30 14:58:59 last comment:2007-07-09 14:56:25
INSERT Text Commands Inserts text at the insertion point. insert [DOCUMENT name | WINDOW name] text/s The text string to insert. DOCUMENT/s The document name. Default=current. WINDOW/s The window name. Default=current. Examples: insert 'Now is the time' document 'project.doc' insert "I can't get no satisfaction." insert 'She...
updated:2006-03-30 20:08:13 last comment:2007-07-01 16:59:46
REPLACETEXT Text Commands Searches for a text string and replaces it with another string. replacetext not implemented yet
updated:2006-03-30 22:20:08 last comment:2007-05-28 00:34:19
GETREGION Dialog Box Queries Opens a small dialog box to instruct the user to click on the page to return a coordinate value to the script. The requester has a Cancel button. getregion [MESSAGE message] stem/a Gets the coordinates of the region. MESSAGE/s The message to display in the dialog box. Max length=55. Results: If...
updated:2006-09-14 09:43:23 last comment:2007-05-28 00:33:58
Gets the {...} . listh = CreateList () Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: AlertRequester, AppendListString, CloseResource, CreateLanguageEngineList, CreateRequester, DoLanguageEngineFormatDate, DoLanguageEngineLocalizeString, DoRequester, FreeLanguageEngineList, FreeList, FreeRequester, GetCmdStringFromCoord, GetControlAttr, GetCoordFromString,...
updated:2006-09-14 09:44:05 last comment:2007-05-28 00:33:42
Gets the {...} . localizedstring = DoLanguageEngineLocalizeString (languagelist, languagename, string) where string can be: NewMoon,WaxingCrescent,FirstQuarter,WaxingGibbous,FullMoon,WaningGibbous,LastQuarter,WaningCrescent, January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,...
updated:2006-09-14 09:42:21 last comment:2007-05-16 09:54:41
Display a message to the user. button = AlertRequester (type/k, message/s, buttons/s) Parameters: type/k is a keyword of [ERROR|WARNING|NOTE|QUESTION], where ERROR is the default. Type influences the imagery in the alert. message/s is the string to display. buttons/s is a list of button strings seperated by a vertical bar. Results: returns the index into...
updated:2006-05-03 19:49:02 last comment:2007-05-13 15:41:46
Flatten the {...} . FlattenPath ([TOLERANCE pixelfraction] [DOCUMENT document | WINDOW doc-window | OBJECTID objectid]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:
updated:2006-08-15 14:17:39 last comment:2007-05-13 13:41:04
Line & Fill Opens the ''Line & Fill'' dialog box allowing you to set up stroke, fill and screen options for the selected object(s). You can alter the stroke's weight, color, transparency, style, bitmapped pattern, start and end types, cap and join types, and the miter limit. Fill options include basic, gradient, radial and...
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