Results 1401 - 1410 of 1633.
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_GetFileNotifyAttrA -- gets the specified attr from a notify handle SYNOPSIS value = SL_GetFileNotifyAttrA(notifyhandle, attr); D0 A0 D0 SLTAGDATA SL_GetFileNotifyAttrA(NOTIFYHANDLE, SLTAGTYPE); FUNCTION INPUTS RESULTS SEE ALSO SL_BeginExamine, SL_CloseFile, SL_DeleteFile, SL_DoesFileExist, SL_EndExamine, SL_EndFileNotify,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_SortListRange -- sorts a range of nodes in a list by the names of the nodes. SYNOPSIS SL_SortListRange(list, order, casesensitive, start, end); A0 D0 D1 D2 D3 void SL_SortListRange(LISTHANDLE, UWORD, SLFLAG, ULONG, ULONG); FUNCTION Sorts a range of nodes in the list by the names of the nodes according to the specified order. INPUTS list - a...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_GetNodeAttr -- returns the given attribute of a node. SYNOPSIS attr = SL_GetNodeAttr(node, attr); D0 A0 D0 SLTAGDATA SL_GetNodeAttr(void *, Tag); FUNCTION Returns the specified attribute of a node. INPUTS node - as returned by SL_CreateNodeA. attr - any of the NODEATTR_ tags. See SL_SetNodeAttrA for a description of the tags this call uses. SEE...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:35
NAME SL_NextNode -- returns the node that follows the specified node. SYNOPSIS node = SL_NextNode(node); D0 A0 void *SL_NextNode(void *); FUNCTION Returns the next node in a list. This is used to cycle through all the nodes in a list. INPUTS node - as returned by SL_CreateNodeA. RESULTS node - the node that follows the given node or NULL if there are no...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_FindNodeFunc -- finds a node using a user supplied function. SYNOPSIS node = SL_FindNodeFunc(list, func); D0 A0 A1 void *SL_FindNodeFunc(LISTHANDLE, SLFLAG (*)(void *), ULONG *); FUNCTION Searches a list for a node calling a user supplied function at each node to determine if it has found it yet. The function returns TRUE if the given node is...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_SetListAttrA -- sets various attributes of a list. SL_SetListAttr -- varargs stub for SL_SetListAttrA. SYNOPSIS SL_SetListAttrA(list, taglist); A0 A1 void SL_SetListAttrA(LISTHANDLE, struct TagItem *); SL_SetListAttr(list, tag, ...); void SL_SetListAttrA(LISTHANDLE, Tag, ...); FUNCTION Sets various attributes of a list. INPUTS list - a LISTHANDLE...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_LastNode -- returns the last node in a list. SYNOPSIS node = SL_LastNode(list); D0 A0 void *SL_LastNode(LISTHANDLE); FUNCTION Returns the last node in a list. INPUTS list - a LISTHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateListA. RESULTS node - a pointer to the last node in the list or NULL if the list is empty. SEE ALSO SL_AddNodeAfter, SL_AddNodeBefore,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_SortListField -- sorts a list by a given field name. SYNOPSIS SL_SortListField(list, order, casesensitive, field); A0 D0 D1 D2 void SL_SortListField(LISTHANDLE, UWORD, SLFLAG, UWORD); FUNCTION Sorts a list of nodes the specified field. INPUTS list - a LISTHANDLE as returned by SL_CreateListA. order - one of SORT_ASCENDING or SORT_DESCENDING....
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_CreateTM2D -- creates a matrix usable for 2-D math. SYNOPSIS tm = SL_CreateTM2D(apphandle); D0 A0 TM2DHANDLE SL_CreateTM2D(APPHANDLE); FUNCTION INPUT apphandle - as returned by SL_AppInitA. RESULTS tm - a TM2DHANDLE used to perform 2-D matrix math with. SEE ALSO SL_ApplyTM2D, SL_CloneTM2D, SL_ConcateTM2D, SL_CopyTM2D, SL_CreateTM2D,...
updated:2008-03-01 23:36:36
NAME SL_CloneTM2D -- creates a duplicate copy of a 2-D matrix. SYNOPSIS tm2 = SL_CloneTM2D(tm); D0 A0 TM2DHANDLE SL_CloneTM2D(TM2DHANDLE); FUNCTION INPUTS tm - the 2-d transformation matrix to clone. RESULTS tm2 - a duplicate copy of the 2-d transformation matrix passed to the function. SEE ALSO SL_ApplyTM2D, SL_CloneTM2D, SL_ConcateTM2D, SL_CopyTM2D,...
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