Results 1061 - 1070 of 1633.

SetGraphicPath updated:2006-03-31 10:52:55 last comment:2006-05-04 13:22:35
SETGRAPHICPATH System Commands Sets the default file path for placing and exporting graphics. setgraphicpath [SAVE] filepath/s The path for the files. SAVE Saves to the PageStream3 Preferences file. Examples: setgraphicpath 'Brilliance:Pictures'

GetTextPath updated:2006-05-04 13:22:23
Gets the {...} . textpath = GetTextPath () Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:

SetTextPath updated:2006-03-31 10:53:00 last comment:2006-05-04 13:22:09
SETTEXTPATH System Commands Sets the default file path for inserting and exporting text. settextpath [SAVE] filepath/s The path for the files. SAVE Saves to the PageStream3 Preferences file. Examples: settextpath 'Work:Wordworth5/Documents'

GetDocumentPath updated:2006-05-04 13:21:16
Gets the {...} . documentpath = GetDocumentPath () Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:

SetDocumentPath updated:2006-03-31 10:52:54 last comment:2006-05-04 13:20:59
SETDOCUMENTPATH System Commands Sets the default file path for opening and saving documents. setdocumentpath [SAVE] filepath/s The path for the files. SAVE Saves to the PageStream3 Preferences file. Examples: setdocumentpath 'PageStream3:Documents'

GetPasteInCenter updated:2006-05-04 13:20:35
Gets the {...} . flag<ON|OFF> = GetPasteInCenter () Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:

GetSelectOnPaste updated:2006-05-04 13:20:16
Gets the {...} . flag<ON|OFF> = GetSelectOnPaste () Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:

SelectOnPaste updated:2006-03-31 10:52:52 last comment:2006-05-04 13:19:19
SELECTONPASTE System Commands Automatically selects text when imported or pasted. This is useful if you want to apply text immediately after importing it or pasting it. selectonpaste [status] [SAVE] status/k Select on paste status. Options: ON | OFF | TOGGLE. SAVE Saves to the PageStream Preferences file. Examples: ...

GetAutoColumns updated:2006-05-04 13:18:42
Gets the {...} . flag<ON|OFF> = GetAutoColumns ([LIKE &MASTERPAGE|PREVIOUS]) Parameters: Results: Notes: See Also: Examples: Python: ARexx: Applescript:

SetAutoColumns updated:2006-05-03 11:36:47 last comment:2006-05-04 13:18:10
Set the automatic column frame creation feature for importing text. setmeasurements [status] [SAVE] status/k Automatic text frames status. Options: ON | OFF | TOGGLE. SAVE Saves to the PageStream Preferences file. Examples: setautocolumns on save setautocolumns toggle ...

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