The Navigator

When you start PageStream, or whenever all windows are closed, PageStream will display the ''Navigator''. This dialog box provides quick access to the basic features. A different tip is shown in the ''Navigator'' each time it appears to help you learn more about the program.

Create a new document; same as ''New'' from the ''File'' menu.

Open an existing document; same as ''Open'' from the ''File'' menu.

Set PageStream preferences; same as ''Preferences'' from the ''File'' menu.

Read the previous tip in the series.

Read the next tip in the series.

Quit the program; same as ''Quit'' from the ''File'' menu.


The Navigator  Sub-Section  url:PGSuser/exploring#anchor328263
  created:2006-04-13 20:21:27   last updated:2019-12-19 18:28:48
  Copyright © 1985-2024 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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