Text Codes

Text codes allow you to specify character and paragraph attributes in ASCII text files. PageStream text codes support most character and paragraph attributes available in PageStream. This appendix provides a complete list of all PageStream text codes.

The first line of any file formatted with PageStream text codes must have a version identifier as the first line in the file. For this version of PageStream, the line must read: <PageStream4.0>

SectionType Styles
Bold: <B>

Italic: <I>

Underline: <U>

Outline: <O>

Reverse: <R>

Shadow: <S>

Small Caps: <M>

Superscript: <+>

Subscript: <->

Type style of current style tag: <$>
Resets the type style to the style(s) specified in the style tag.

SectionCharacter Attributes
NoteIf you append a $ to any of the following commands (i.e., <z$>), the atribute will be reset to what was set in the current style tag. This allow you to override a style tag attribute, and then revert to the style tag's attribute. The # symbols in this section indicate a numeric entry is expected.

Font: <f"name">
Including the designed type style name. Example: <f"Times-Bold>

Size: <z#>
In points. Example: <z12.5>

Horizontal Scale: <h#>
In percent. Example: <h85>

Kern this character pair: <k#>
In 1/100th em space. Example: <k-15>

Track amount: <t#>
In 1/100th em space. Example: <t-5>

Tracking table: <T#>
"0" is none, "1" is very loose, "2" is loose, "3" is normal, "4" is tight, "5" is very tight and "6" is monospaced. Example: <T2>

Leading amount: <l#>
In points or percent, as applicable. Example: <l16>

Leading type: <Lx>
Where "x" is "a" (auto), "r" (relative), "f" (fixed), or "g" (leading grid). Example: <Lf>

Fill color: <C"fill",#,"line",#>
Where fill and # are the fill color name and tint, and line and # are the line color name and tint. If the line values are not specified, they will be set to the same as the fill. Substitute c#m#y#k# for a name to define a custom color. Examples: <C"Red",30,"Red",90> ; <Cc100m0y15k5,100>

SectionParagraph Formats
Left alignment: <*l>

Center alignment: <*c>

Right alignment: <*r>

Justified alignment: <*j>

Tab: <*t#,a,"c">
Where # is position, "a" is alignment ("l" for left, "c" for center, "r" for right, "d" for decimal, "e" for euro decimal, "x" for custom) and "c" is the leader character. For custom alignment, include the alignment character in quotes. Omit the last character for no leader character. Examples: <*t2.5p,c> ; <*t3i,e> ; <*t3i,r,"."> ; <*t3i,x"=">

Indents: <*i#,#,#>
Where # is left indent, first line indent, right indent. Example: <*i0,0.25,0>

Paragraph spacing amount: <*s#,#>
Where # is space before and after in points or percent. Example: <*s0,75>

Paragraph spacing type: <*Sx>
Where "x" is "a" (auto), "r" (relative), or "f" (fixed). Example: <*Sr>

Paragraph type: <*ta,"font",c,l>
Where "a" is the type ("n" for normal, "b" for bulleted, or "d" for drop cap), font is the font name, "c" is the character for bullets or number of characters for drop caps, and "l" is the number of lines (for drop caps only). Examples: <*tn> ; <*tb,"Ding","h"> ; <*tb,"Symb",/123> ; <*td,"Art",1,4>

Auto hyphenation: <*h#>
Where # is "0" for off and "1" for on. Example: <*h1>

Auto kerning: <*k#>
Where # is "0" for off and "1" for on. Example <*k0>

SectionStyle tags
Apply a paragraph style: @Pname:
Where name is the paragraph style name. Example: @PBodyText:

Apply a character style: @Cname:
Where name is the character style name. Example: @CQuotes:

Apply no paragraph style tag: @Pnone:

Apply no character style tag: @Cnone:

Define paragraph style tag: @Pname=[def]
Where name is the paragraph style name and def is a list of attributes defined for the style tag. Example: @PBody Text=[<f"Pala-Normal"><z12><T4><*j><i,0,0.33,0>]

Base a style tag on another: @Pname[<name2]=[def]
Where name is based on name2. Example: @PSubhead[<Headline=<z15>]

Follow a style tag with another: @Pname[>name2]=[def]
Where name is followed by name2. Example: @PSubhead[>Body Text]

Define character style tag: @Cname=[def]
Where name is the character style name and def is a list of attibutes defined for the style tag. Example: @CQuotes=[<I><z11>]

SectionSpecial characters
New Line: <\n>

Indent Here: <\i>

Right Indent Tab: <\t>

Insert Column Break: <\c>

Insert Page Break: <\p>

Insert Page Number: <\1>

Insert Previous Frame Page Number: <\2>

Insert Next Frame Page Number: <\3>

Insert Page Count: <\4>

Unicode Character: <\#decimal>
Where decimal is the unicode value for a character.

\: <\\>
The extra backslash enters one backslash.

@: <\@>
The backslash enters the @.

<: <\<>
The backslash enters the <.


Text Codes  Section  url:PGSuser/textcodes
  created:2006-03-10 16:50:22   last updated:2006-08-13 11:11:36
  Copyright © 1985-2024 GrasshopperLLC. All Rights Reserved.

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