Bug #200 - Save File as PDF creates PostScript error "The font 'ArialMT' contains a bad /BBox"
Product:PageStream (All Platforms)Reported By:Jim Williams
Severity:NormalAssigned To:Deron Kazmaier
Priority:Average sign in to watch (1 is watching)
Status:Fixed in 10:59:09
Category:PrintingUpdated:2007-12-13 10:59:09
Summary:Save File as PDF creates PostScript error "The font 'ArialMT' contains a bad /BBox"
Keywords:PDF, font error
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The 'Save as PDF' file produced in Version has the following error: "The font 'ArialMT' contains a bad /BBox." This occurs when no fonts are embedded and only one line of Arial appears on the document. The same document does not have the error in Version when 'Save as PDF' is used.

Version file http://www.leisurepace.com/PStest1.pdf
Version file http://www.leisurepace.com/PStest2.pdf

Additionally, although both files should have no embedded fonts, the file that is produced is smaller. Small file size is important for web use of a document.

Deron Kazmaier wrote...2007-12-13 15:40:44

Just to clarify, the PSTest1 (produced by and verified by examining the header) is smaller than the PSTest2 created by the older

Ok, I see the problem now. Adobe has changed the specifications in PDF 1.5 making the once optional FontDescriptor now required. I hadn't downloaded and installed the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader. Thanks for the catch.

So the FontDescriptor comes back, and this file will be a little larger when written from than in 50.1.3 because of the new transparency (I would guess 20-40 bytes, but could be more).

[Status updated to 'Fixed in' on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 15:40:44 -0500]

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Bug #200 - Save File as PDF creates PostScript error "The font 'ArialMT' contains a bad /BBox" by Jim Williams   PDF, font error
  created:2007-12-13 10:59:09   last updated:2007-12-13 10:59:09
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